Just lost Mom to metastatic breast cancer. Please help x

Hi all, Please read as i am struggling so much :/

Yesterday was possibly the saddest day of my life, when my beautiful mommy passed away at age 56 from metastatic breast cancer to the lungs. She had been undergoing chemo since august 2020 after a mastectomy in june 2020, but had a recurrence at her mastectomy site which grew into another lump. Microscopic cancer cells were still left over from surgery even though they were confident they had taken it all out. 

We had found out that in july she had 5, 5mm lung nodules in each lobe, but oncologist was confident that the chemo would 'clear them up'. She underwent chemo of EC, Doxetaxel, Herceptin, Carboplatin, Kadcyla, Capecitabine and more but only had a breif response to Kadcyla and Capecitabine and then a massive flare up where the cancer cells built up resistance and stopped working. she had the most horrendous side effects from all her chemo, neuropathy, lost all her hair, bruises, constipation, exhaustion, oral thrush, couldnt eat, sleeping problems the whole lot. I feel my mom was never taken seriously enough by her oncologist when her lump starded growing out of control, she would always lack information, and just say we have to wait to see shrinkage, and couldnt do any type of surgery even to relieve her pain.

She struggled for so so long and eventually had to go into the hospice in october this year for pain releif with a syringe driver. The lump on her mastectomy site had grown so out of control, even along with radiotherpay that she had and a massive infection in it that antibiotics struggled to control . Whilst at the hospice she contracted sepsis and almost died and it was decided that she would no longer be able to have chemo as it was doing more damage than good and that it was not working. She also had cardiotoxicity. She came home for a week and a half in november over her birthday period and im so glad she did. She had to go back in on november 25th where they discovered she had pleural effusion and was struggling to breathe. They were adamant they could not drain her lungs as her body was alright fighting so much infection from the lump on her mastectomy line, and it also couldnt be surgically removed. She deteriorated very rapidly and on the 6th of December 2021 my angel smiled, and took her last breath with her fiance and my partner by her side. 

She fought so courageously for so long and i am ever so proud of her, but i am struggling to cope with her loss. I am 26 and an only child, me and my mom were SO close, she was my everything and i was hers. Even throughout her deterioration the only thing that was on her mind was me. I told her its okay now, she will be safe, she was not scared and i reasured her that i will be well looked after and that i am ok. But im far from ok. When she passed it did not hit me straight away, i only felt a strange sense of releif that she was no longer in pain and suffering or getting distressed. But ive woken up today with a whole array of emotions. Sadness, guilt ( could i have done more for her), survivors guilt, shock, numbness,a sense of it all not being real even. What makes it harder for me is that i lost my sweet grandma from pancreatic cancer on November 3rd 2020 at the same hospice, and their rooms were next door to eachother, My grandmas was 12 and moms 14. I am so broken and i dont feel or see any point in carrying on. I have no children, but i do have a brilliant partner who is so supportive, but i just feel so so empty and lost.

To anyone who reads this thank you, i really appreciate it and i would like to hear stories of others just so i feel like i am not alone in this awful war of cancer on my loved ones.

Thank you all,

Tee, xx

  • Hi [@londongirl151]‍ Thank you so much for your reply.
    Im so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. It feels so unfair that our moms were so young (55&56) and that theyve been taken from us in such a cruel way. I feel like i am very numb to my feelings at the moment, ive accepted whats happened but I feel completely numb. I hear my moms voice everyday in my head telling me that shes aboslutely fine where she is and that she likes it there. shes in no pain and shes at peace and is comfortable. Life just feels very empty without her. I miss her voice and her prescence around me all the time. 
    Sometimes i just feel useless and hopeless as im confused over my feelings most times :(
    I hope you are coping as much as you can and sending all my love and best wishes to you.
    Take care
    Tee xx

  • Hi [@RSxo]‍ Thank you so much for your reply.
    Thank you for reminding me that im not alone and i am ever so sorry to hear about the passing of your mom in march. It feels so horrendous that we are so young loosing the person that means so much to us. When my mom passed i felt a sense of releif (sounds so cruel ) but that she was not suffereing anymore and in no more pain. She struggled with so much pain with her illness and she would cry almost everyday with how bad it was and that would break my heart. I feel somewhat numb since she passed also and i kept wondering if this was the right response or it was just the wall id put up to protect myself and my feelings as my heart was well and truly shattered. I can only pray that i reunite with her one day and i just want her to be proud of me. I know its only been just over 3 weeks since she passed and im expecting an array of emotions to come within this next year but i wish to posses the strength that my mom did while battling breast cancer. she showed such bravery and courage and if i could be half the woman she was i know i will be just fine. She taught me so much over the years and instilled traits and qualities in me and i just pray i will do her proud. 
    I hope you are well and coping the best that you can given these cruel circumstances.
    Sending all my love to you and best wishes
    Take care 
    Tee xx

  • Hi sorry to hear about your mum passing, I too lost my mum last month on the 14th November 2021, her funeral was on 1st Dec ( she was 65years old)she had  lung cancer which had spread to her liver, she fought so hard and suffered so much after being diagnosed about 5 years ago, she had chemo, radiotherapy and immunotherapy, she also had a heart attack, superior vena cava, bilateral plueral effusions and was diagnosed with sarcoidosis in that time.

    Mum and dad were also Foster carers when mum was diagnosed, I get so angry at times as she didn't deserve to have suffered so much. She was so brave, she knew she wasn't going to make it to Christmas and had all the presents, cards ect wrapped and written out ready for dad to pass out to everyone christmas morning.

    Mum passed away at home with everyone around her, she fought up till the last hour the sedation she was having in the syringe driver wasn't really working as mum was agitated and had terminal restlessness she also had horrific lung secretions!, the nurses had to keep coming out to give stat doses to try and sedate her. The nurses couldn't understand why she wasn't settling, they even asked mum if she was holding on for anything? With Mum's reply being"no, I want to go to my final resting place,  heaven! ".

    They gave her another dose then mum finally went to sleep and passed away within the hour. I miss her so much I can't believe that she is gone and I can't stop thinking about the last few nights I looked after her as she suffered so much. I can't stop reliving it, it's like a movie playing over and over. 

    I was the one who moved in at the end and looked after her. I looked after her all the way through going her appts with her, shopping ect.

    I can't believe she is gone my heart aches so much.

    I'm back at work now as I took time off to look after mum but I feel wrong for carrying on without her I feel numb most of the time and then angry it's like these are the two emotions I only feel.

    Sorry for rambling on.

    Hope you are all well 

    Laura x 

  • Hi Babytee,

    My sincerest condolences for your loss. I feel you pain truly and deeply. I felt like I was reading my experience. I lost my Mum from terminal breast cancer on 21st December 2023. My family had her funeral only three days ago. She was 57 and I am 26 today. My Mum also had a mastectomy and ended up in a hospice from December; it really was crazy how fast my Mum deteriorated in the last week of her life. The amount of morphine she had to take was insane! I noticed that she lost her ability to walk, go to the loo (she required a catheter), then talk. Like you mentioned it is a relief that she is not in pain anymore. Make sure to remember the good times :)

    It feels unreal and like a dream. I kind of expect her to walk up to me and tell me off as she usually does or cook one of her lovely meals. My home does not feel the same anymore without her and I understand that it is painful when you wake up and expect her to be in her bed in the morning and she is not there anymore. It really hurts. People only truly understand once they experience the loss of a parent to cancer. The helplessness I felt in the moment and the amount of pain I saw my Mum in as her body withered away and her legs got very thin and skeletal brings tears to my eyes. I still remember how strong my mother was, as she battled breast cancer and a brain tumour at the same time. She fought and survived the brain tumour which gave her regular seizures and then stopped. 

    I remember show she was using a walker to get around and the times when I would visit her at the hospice to feed her and stay overnight talking (and crying) with her. I will never forget my Mum and she will rest in peace.