Its been a week

I've posted before about my fathers illness. He passed a week ago in our home. I witnessed him stop breathing and I've been walking around in this surreal like haze, i try to believe he's out there but my cynicism makes it hard. I have a deep pain in my chest that aches all day. Food doesnt appeal to me and I really don't want to do anything beside hide in a hole. I worry for my brother and I worry for my mother. Sometimes I cry just because I can't stand to see THEM sad. 


I got this in memory of him. The physical pain was actually helpful.

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  • Dear gingin

    I Love you. We are all going to be ok. Thank you for sighning me up on this sight.


  • dear gingin, its very raw early days. your going to get through this.......give yourself time. to love is to feel pain at some point in your life. the agony your feeling, is love. the painful side of love. together with all your family you will slowly get through this and strengthen each other. life forces us to carry on and quite quickly normality settles back in, this is a life changing event, together you will get each other through. xx


  • Dear gingin, I can relate to how you are feeling.  When my mum died, many years ago, I could not function for a long time.  My son and daughters who were grieving too, had to support me in every way.  It took time but I slowly got there.  I will never forget but you learn to live with your grief.

    Give yourself time,its not been long.  Come on here and talk to us whenever you want. xI

  • Hi Gingin,
    Everything is so raw for you.  Take it one day at a time.  Your dad lives on in you and his pain and suffering is over.  It's Bloomin hard but you will get there.  I lost my dad 28 years ago and still remember the pain.  He lives on in my son and grandkids, they can all charm the birds from the trees.
    Look after yourself.  Remember to eat and rest as best you can.
    Kathy xx