V.upset; should I include wife's name on Xmas cards to kids?

I feel so stupid. been just over five months since my wife died from aggressive cancer. I can talk about the lead up to when she had her final week.

But when it comes down to the details of her final few days I get images and thoughts of how much she had to go through.

Now because this is my first year without my wife for Christmas  and new year, I'm  feeling so stupid about getting upset writing  on Christmas cards to my son and daughter, my minds just gone blank.

I don't know if I still need to inclued the wife as mum on there cards. I don't want them thinking I have forgot her already, which I know will never happen till the day I die..

I just can't think of what to put to inclued their mum. Any advice would  help.

  • Thank you all so much for your replies. my lad is 22 years old he lives at home. well I say he lives at home. he spends no more than most times when my wife was alive at his girlfriends. my daughteris 30 and has four little darlings. so she has her hands full time.  I did inlude my wife name in the Christmas cards to my son and daughter, with  a short message in her memory. As my lad read the card he had tears running down his cheeks, and said thanks dad that was beautiful. I apologised as it wasn't meant to upest him. My daughter rang and said more or less the same as my son.  But she added the grand kids on Christmas eve went outside looked at the stars and got upset because it was cloudy, as they wanted to thank granma and see her as an angel, and asked Santa to bring her back.  grand kids say the nicest things with out realising, how much it  means there great kids and they enjoyed opening there presents, I was happy for them, but in my heart of hearts mine is still broken.

    Happy new year to everyone. and thank you again for all the support thats given to one and all.

  • Ah, I now no longer have dad to include mum in the messages, I value them even more xxx