I miss my grandad and nan :(

my grandad died october 17 2018 from terminal cancer i'm 16 and not quite sure what he had but it spread to all his body, his mum died january 3rd 2019 of breast cancer her one year is coming up and i just really miss them both my parents have tried to get me bereavement counselling becuase my schools one isn't trained in grief it's helpful but not amazing, i just really need some support with it and we can't find anything i've never missed people more in my life i just want them to come home :(

  • Oh Pusscat1 I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you were really close to your grandad and nan and it is normal to feel this way, that you miss them terribly and would just like to see them come home. I think if you feel like this is all getting too much for you, it is a good idea to get bereavement counselling.

    We have some information on our website on Coping with Grief which I hope will be helpful to you. Given that your school counsellor isn't trained in grief, I think it would be a good idea to go and see your GP who might suggest you get some grief counselling. I am sure it would do you a lot of good to talk to someone. 

    It might also be useful to you to get in touch with Cruse Bereavement Care as they may have some helpful tips for you. Many on our forum understand exactly what you are going through and I hope they will be along soon to talk to you about how they themselved dealt with their own grief after losing a loved one to cancer. 

    We're all here for you anytime you need to talk.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator