I miss my mom and I don’t know how to cope.

My mom died 4 months ago from cancer and I don’t know how to cope. It all happened so quickly and from her diagonosis to death was only 3 months. 4 months seems like a long time and for the majority of it I’m fine but it’s all hit at once how much I miss her and that I’ll never get to speak to her again or hug her. I’m realising all the little things she did for me and how much she loved me and it hurts so much. I’m 18 and I don’t know how to cope or what to do or how to stop feeling like this or how to even accept that my mom is gone. I give anything just to be able to talk to her for 5 minutes and everyone tries to be so understanding but I don’t feel like anybody understands. I try to pretend like everything’s okay but deep down I’m so so heartbroken and it’s only kicking in now. It seems like everyone’s moved on but it’s only just hit me and it’s so overwhelming. I just want my mom back and I don’t know how to accept that it isn’t a possibility. 

  • Hi there and welcome ..

    Well firstly the first year is a raw year ... like a wound that won't heal ... you are at such a vulnerable age .. an age where you really need a mum .. and it's not fare .. cancer sucks ... I've got a friend who's wife died of cancer and their daughter was 17 .. her mum fought to be there for her 18th birthday .. but sadly didn't make it ..

    She had more time then you to get her head round it .. but that didn't help .. she felt , like you people stop wanting to hear about feelings .. wanting her to move on ... but her world had imploded ... she talked to me for a long time ... just letting out how she felt .. and I'd explain to her dad ... when at that age it should be so different .. life should be fun .. but in truth it will never be the same again ...

    Your not alone thinking you didn't know how much she did for / with you .. not many do untill they loose it ...  don't try to be "normal" that comes with time .. but all those feelings we all have but in different orders .. call McMillan,  ask if there's councilling... somewhere you can talk about anything to your hearts will ... reach out to anyone ... 

    Sadly there's no magic cure ... it's the pain that comes with loosing someone we were blessed to have had in our lives ... I'm sure your mum will be looking down on you ... and so so proud ... I wrote to my mum ... and put feelings down and even posted the letter .. addressed to heaven .. I believe if there is a heaven, they just may get it ... I made a memory book of all those things I remembered about my mum , for my son's and grandkids so they'd know her ... 

    We don't loose our mum's... we are half of them ... they made us ... we were joined by a cord .. it's still there .. you just can't see it ... little things will happen over the years .. when your not looking ... a smell .. a feather ... a song ... trust she's watching you from up there ..

    sending you a vertual nanny hug.... chrissie


  • Hi so sorry it seems to kick in at about 4 months its horrible .yes your right people seem to move on and your still hurting it seems to be the norm but she wasnt there mum do you find people tend to change the subject when you bring up your mum it seems to be the norm . Have you had any grief counciling this is when counciling comes into its own .you get to talk about your grief and the councilers dont change the subject at least for an hour a week its for YOU you dont don people stealing your grief crissies right takes a good while to get through the pain but you will .might i suggest giving the




    a ring its free from your mobile just chatting to someone for five mins can realy help you can ring as many times as you like if you cant gell with that person just say thanks and ring back . You can get councilling from local hospice or gp surgery its the lonelyness gets you mainly .but you know your mumss still around we never realy die ime sure she will be watching over you .just hold on keep telling yourself tommorow it will be a bit eisier and one day that tommorow will be your mind might think your forgetting your mum but it comes back its just our brains protecting us .best wish .paul

  • Hello sweetie - it's dreadful that you have lost your mum when are so young & it's really not surprising that you are finding it so hard. 4 months isn't a long time at all & you say for the majority of the time you're fine. You know sweetie that's normal & I assure you that people here do understand. We've all lost people from cancer & know just how heartbreaking it is. Some days it's just about ok & other days it feels like it's just happened & the feelings are overwhelming.

    Trying to accept that its happened isn't something that happens quickly I'm afraid - it takes quite a bit of time. What's hard is accepting that grief is sometimes a long process. Think of it as a long & winding road & try to picture the road in your mind. It has to go around lots of bends & up & down hills & goes on quite a long way. As you travel along it though you will see some good things - like a nice stream (the things your mum did for you), a meadow full of buttercups (how your mum made you smile). These are things you will remember about your mum on this road. Sometimes there will be very dark clouds & you won't see the road clearly & it will make you unhappy & worried & then there'll be some sunshine. Ins & outs & ups & downs until the road runs out & you have come to the end where all will be ok.

    So, so difficult I know sweetie but your mum brought you into the world so you could live a life & that includes all the good things & the very, very sad. You must do your mum proud by travelling along the road no matter how tough it is & make her even more proud of you than she already was.

    You say you want your mom back but you know she's inside you - she won't ever leave you no matter how old you get to be. I'm old now & my dad died when I was 24 but he's still inside & now he just makes me smile. Trust in the good that will come in the not too distant future - truly it will.

    Post again sweetie if you'd like to. xx