My husband has passed away

My husband passed away from small bowel cancer only 7 weeks after being diagnosed 

He fought this terrible terminal disease with strength and dignity. Now I feel the grief and sorrow that I’ve felt since his diagnosis even stronger. The ifs/how I could of helped him more thoughts consume me. He was my soulmate and now I feel completely alone. He was only 46 years old, so much more living to do and I miss him all the time. It's just hard 

  • Hi my names paul wellcome so young it is so unfair cancers so cruel . Guilt the i should have done this said that why is one of the worst painful things it wouldnt matter what we did it would not be enough. myself i went through hell with it even though i did everything i could so try not to feel it if you can i guess we need someone to blame we dont have anyone so we blame ourselves. All i can say is see about bereavement counciling the local hospices can arrange its not a magic bullet but it does help but dont give on it because as the time goes bye when the world starts to go back to normal you will have that bit of time for yourself ime realy sorry your going through this i lost my love 11 months ago the pain does dwindle just small steps stay around loved ones dont stay home on your own all the time walks in nature help to best wishs paul

  • Hi Paul

    sorry for your loss and thank you for the advice I find it hard to talk about my feelings with friends and family so councelling is definitely something I’ll look into 

    thanks again 


  • Yes clare when your ready so .much out there sometimes a stranger trained in grief counciling is easier to talk to most are ladies they are better at comunicating than men are i i went to hospic as i thought they would be more expierianced than someone from gp gp surgery i say this to everyone because as the months goes by and life begins to go back to normal you will find people dont want to talk about it when you still want to the counciling then comes into its own you at least get an hour or so to talk or rant or whatever you want to do after a while its a lonely path but the pain does dwindle .best wishs paul