My lovely Mum died in November. It was 22 days after she was diagnosed with lung, liver and lymph gland cancer.
I held her hand as she died and am devastated. I genuinely don't think she knew she was dying. I was with her in hopsital from the Monday to the Thursday she died. It was so sudden and I wish we had had more time to prepare.
Mum had had chest infections for years. She was given either steriods and or antibiotics for years but the chest infections kept occurring.
After pain in her hip which turned out to be a bone fracture I recall her complaining about rib pain and I know she told the hospital and seem to think she'd asked for an xray. I don't recall if she had one but now wonder if it was pain from the cancer.
I have called her doctors surgery to ask why the cancers weren't picked up. I want answers. The surgery have asked to me write in to ask about why she died and said the records now don't belong to them. I feel they are trying to be difficult.
Mum died intestate which made the doctors administrator unsure I can have any information. I am annoyed at this as she was my Mum.
I know I am still grieving but does anyone have any experience of trying to get answers and finding it hard? I just want to know why my Mum wasn't diagnosed earlier as she maybe could have had more time.
Thank you.