Feeling anxious and lost

Soon it will be a year since my mum passed away. Every month I tell myself that next month I will be happier but that time never comes. I just feel so miserable. I can’t understand why my favorite person in the world has been taken. I’m really struggling to be ok and see happiness. I love my other half to pieces and every moment I spend with him but when I am on my own (he has to work away) I just feel so lost. I use to run everything past my mum, she was my rock and my best friend, and now I feel pushed into adulthood and trying to be independent but I just feel so anxious and can’t believe I have lost her. I feel like I woke up one day and she was just gone, even tho her battle was 10 months. I don’t want to tell anyone that I’m not ok as I don’t want to be a burden. Open to any advice thank you for stopping by, I guess I am desperate to be ok again, life just isn’t the same anymore and never really will be xxx

  • Hi dawn ... 

    Go easy on your self, and know it's o.k to miss them ... my mum's been gone 30 years this year, and l still miss her as much today as then ... l think we just learn to live with the missing .. 

    And it's true, life is never quite the same ... l think life is like a book, with many different chapters ... all about different times in our lives ... and it's o.k to go back and look at those any time, even when you start a new one .. but wer always told to be strong ... the good old stiff upper lip ... when we just have to let those emotions out, and admit how scared of the future sometimes ...

    I read an old Buddhist saying once on u tube ... it said don't cry cause you've lost someone... smile because you were blessed to have had them in our lives ....

    So take heart, and know it's your brains way of trying to make sense of it all ...

  • Thanks very much for responding I really appreciate it. And you are right, trying to force myself to be ok. I think it’s still coming to terms with the shock of it all ️ xx