struggling to cope with loss of mum and anger from my dad

I lost my mum in January ry this year, my mum was a lovely woman and a fighter, she understood her ill health but loved life and the thought of death scared her so much. She was only 66 and left 4 adult children and a husband who was just totally reliant on her, while she was in hospital he stayed with her 24/7, we always knew when she would pass away it was going to be incredibly hard for my dad.

It was a dreadful time the week she was in hospital, there was little hope that she would recover and so it proved when she passed eventually a few days after doctors told us she wouldn’t recover. It’s now 4 months and I miss her so much, just any reminder such as a tv advert she liked sets me off in floods of tears, I have 3 siblings and we all live quite close together so see each a lot.

What is making life unbearable is the behaviour of my dad, he met my mum when they were teenagers and were together 50 years and they never spent a night apart in that time, he’s a very old fashioned man and was totally reliant on my mum, he worked long hours and provided for his family but he never did anything like deal with finances or anything like that, he simply went to work and my mum dealt with everything else, after my mums death my eldest sister dealt with most of the paperwork as my dad was in no fit state to know what to do. Almost 4 months on and his grief seems to be getting worse by the day, initially he lived with my sister for the first 8 weeks after my mum died as he couldn’t face going to his home but then got it into his head that he wasn’t wanted there and stormed out in a huff to go to his own home, my sister had been nothing but understanding and helpful to him and never gave him the impression he wasn’t wanted despite his increasing dark moods, he is so hard to be around, the sadness we could cope with from him but his anger is awful, he would storm out of the room at any little thing like one of my sisters children laughing at something would trigger his fury, he’d tell us that he can’t believe we are laughing at things. Everybody is constantly on egg shells around him as we are scared of him erupting into fury.

He is scornful of the fact that us 4 kids are grieving for our mum saying it is nothing to what he is going through and says he lost his parents and got over it in a few weeks but he was never as close to his parents as we were to my mum, he has never once asked any of us how we are feeling and quite frankly he doesn’t care anyway. He has started to remove all traces of the 4 of us from his home removing all our childhood pictures from everywhere in the house.

Following my mums death I saw him every day or about the first 10 weeks, we all did as we wanted him to know he wasn’t alone, we have managed to get him all the professional help available to him, he is under the care of doctors who visit him weekly and have tried a number of medications which he mostly refuses to take and also has weekly visits to a bereavement counsellor, we know it is early days still but nothing is helping and his anger is getting worse. He has said some awful things to all 4 of us saying we don’t care, my sister went away for a few days last weekend and he shouted at her and called her a disgrace for doing that,every time we see him he says he wants to kill himself and he can’t and doesn’t want to live without my mum. He has always been hot tempered and by nature has a very negative personality anyway, every time my mum had a turn he would always be convinced it was the end.

A few years before she died my mum bought a little dog that they both absolutely adored and she made my dad promise shortly before she died that he would take good care of him, my dad loved the dog who is just the most gentle adorable little thing ever but now he explodes in rage at him if he wants to play with a ball, when I visit and seeing the little dog now when he gets shouted at my heart just dad says the dog is the only reason he is still here and on several occasions as brought him to all of our houses begging us to take him so he can go and kill himself, it’s so upsetting hearing him talk as he is, he says us 4 siblings all have our partners and he has nobody, he won’t hear of it when we try to tell him he has 4 kids and none of us are planning on going anywhere.

He has shouted at and upset everybody around him to the point that he only has us 4 kids left who will talk to him, he has upset us all on several occasions and said some truly awful and untrue things to us but we keep going back for more especially my sister who has to go daily as she is the one who has his medication, doctors will not give him his medication, my sister has to take it daily to him. A few weeks ago he called my sister to say goodbye and to come and get the dog from the house because he was off to kill himself, my sister rushed over to his house and called the police and 10minutes later he came back, the police spoke to him and left. His doctor has asked him to go into hospital but he refuses point blank. I think there will come a time when he is taken in by force but I don’t know what he has to do for that to happen.

Last night I visited and heard shouting as I approached the house, he was in a fully blown row with my sister who had just taken his medication around, he was fratntically ripping at strips of paracetamol threatening to take them in front of her so she “can see what she is doing to him”....apparently he had visited her earlier in the day, left after 5 minutes for no apparent reason and then shouted at her for not calling him or visiting in the 8 hours that passed, I had it in the ear from him for not coming earlier that day but I tried to explain that I have recently had an operation and can’t drive so had to wait for my partner to get home from work at 6pm before I could get there. It didn’t matter, he told us to get out and threw something at us as we left.

Part of me says his behaviour is all down to his grief so I try and forgive but he is so extreme, his anger is so dreadful, part of me feels like washing my hands of him but he is my dad at the end of the day, I’m starting to feel quite resentful of the fact that since my mum has died I have spent more time worrying about him than actually grieving for my mum who I totally adored, I saw her every day when she was alive and miss her dreadfully.

Sorry for the lengthy post but I thought it may help me to get a few things off my chest, any advice would be gratefully received.

  • A very warm welcome to Cancer Chat, seagull2016. 

    What an incredibly difficult time you and your family are having at the moment. I'm so sorry for your loss. 

    I'm glad you've found us and shared your feelings; it really can help to get it all off your chest, and I'm sure some of our friendly forum members will be along soon to support you.

    In the meantime, I wanted to share a few bits that might be helpful. 

    The first is a link to Samaritans - they're available 24/7 (tel: 116 123). From what you've said, it sounds like your dad might not want to contact them himself, but it might help you and your family to talk to them. They also have guidance on starting difficult conversations around suicide. 

    If your dad tries to harm himself, call 999 and ask for an ambulance, or take him to A&E. 

    As you've rightly identified, anger is so often a part of grief and people can sometimes take this out on the ones they're closest to. I'm including our information on Coping with grief here, as well as a link to Cruse Bereavement Care. They offer a number of different ways to get help that might be suitable for yourself and your dad. 

    Everybody grieves differently and talking is key. Please do keep posting if you feel able to, seagull2016. I hope you and your family are able to get the support you need.

    With best wishes,

    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Thank you Helen for your kind words, my dad has already spoken to the Samaritans several times and sees a cruse councillor every week, nothing seems to be helping though...we all are so stressed, life is ver6 hard at the moment.

  • Hi Seagull,

    So sorry to read about the loss of your Mum and the impact this has had on your Dad.

    It is very tempting to say that someone needs to tell him to man up and get a grip, but this might just be enough to push him over the edge. You really need some professional mental health advice - this is more than you or your siblings can be expected to cope with. There is a real risk that by giving in to his unreasonable behaviour you are encouraging it and providing him with an audience. 

    Helen has given some good advice. Rethink may be able to put you in touch with local voluntary support services who supplement NHS services see


    Best wishes


  • Hi there seagull  ... oh my, it sounds like a living nightmare ... I'm one that says the reason they do these things, is understandable, it is not an excuse to make everyone who's trying to help them, unbearable ...

    It does sound like he's got issues he needs to deal with ... he is so blessed to have you all , not totally giving up ....  you are all amazing , and l bet your mum would be so proud of you all ... but it could also be, he's leading you a merry dance ... to say he'll take an overdose in front of your sister, is very crule ...

    I do have empathy for anyone who are grieving, but when they can only see their own pain, it is really hard to have empathy ... he was blessed to have had your mum for so long, so many on here loose partners while still young ...  he has to be the one to reach out , no one can make him ... 

    Please realise just how much you are hurting ... and your siblings ... you all need time to adjust, and grieve ... l just hope it helped writing it all down ...  and getting those feelings into perspective ...

    What would you say if you just read that post, by someone else ... what would you say to them ... if you look at it that way, you'll see just how hard it's been ... my heart goes out to you ... sending you and your siblings a big hug ... you take care of your heart now ...  Chrissie

  • Hi what a terrible time for you all. i am not a dr but sounds like your dad is protecting himself having to greiv by anger and denial.we men are truely diffrent from you ladies. We dont cope as well perhaps your dad is angry at himself for not being able to protect your mum and unfortunately you are all in the firing line perhaps a letter to him saying how you love him and admire him for looking after your mum and you all and how proud you are he is your dad but point out he is hurting you all and that isnt him doing it its the cancers to blame and to blame that hope you dont think ime interfering but as a man and a dad myself perhaps i can understand more how a man thinks ive been knocking myself out all week thinking i wish i could have done more done this and that but i couldnd and sounds like your dads dads stuck going round in circles .hope this helps somtimes experts cant help as they just listen he needs this pointing out maybe his friend could have a word to. best wishs paul