Does it get bearable?

It has been almost 4 months since my dad died and I swear it is getting harder every day. It's like it is becoming more real that he won't come home and I won't be able to hug him, talk to him.

My friends, as supportive as they are trying to be, remind me that I'm just getting started with my life and that makes me realise that dad won't be there to see me get married, have kids or do well in my career. 

I love my mum and don't want her to know how hard I am taking it as she needs my help, but does it get bearable, a little less painful? Has anyone done anything that helped them?

Sorry about this, but I really don't know what avenue to take right now.



  • Hello cchick.  It does eventually get more bearable but there is no time limit on grieving; it just varies.  Sometimes you think you are getting over it and it comes back to bite you so you just have to do what you can to cope with it.  At the end of this post I attach a link to a part of this website that deals with grief.

    I personally found (having lost both parents over the years) that it does gradually get less but even years later it can hit you and make you sad.  It is is one of life's subtle cruelties that we have so much love for people such as our parents but then we feel the same amount of pain when we lose them.  You will never forget your dad and the love between you but there does come a time when you can remember and smile.  He and your mum have made you the person you are now and as you move forward in your life you can think about how pleased your dad would be.

    I still have things that belonged to or remind me of my parents; I have "talked" to them whilst sitting and going through these bits and pieces; I found it helpful.

    Talk to your mum; she is possibly not wanting to cause you distress at the same time when you are trying to avoid causing her pain.

    Best wishes.  Annie

  • Hey Cat Sending you a big hug....... My Dad died 6 months ago and I know exactly how you feel - I am crying now in the same way that I cried on the day he died and it does feel like its never going to get any easier. I guess the frequency of the sadness changes - maybe it happens a little less and you start to have times when you actually feel happy - but in the next breath something happens - a song, a phrase, a smell ,,,,,,some small thing that turns my thoughts to a reminder of my Dad and I have a complete meltdown! What I do know is that its OK not to know which "avenue" to take.....there is no right avenue and I've decided to just let myself be sad if thats how I feel,,,,,there is no right or wrong way. I think letting it all out is a good thing and actually My Mum and I do that together - yes she needs my help but actually helping her to cry and talk and feel sad I think is a good thing. i guess the avenue will "appear" and until it does hold fast and remember the good things alongside feeling the sadness of such a huge loss... K X