It’s 3 weeks since my fantastic mum died and a week since her funeral.
i cried when she died(4 months after pc diagnosis previously fit and well) and have stopped myself since.i don’t have any issues with crying but I am scared I won’t stop.i cried every day when our dog died a few years ago.i feel that there is something wrong with me and I’m not sure what stage of grieving I’m at(absent?)
i was there when she went,told everyone so my distraught dad didnt have to,organised her funeral-which I dreaded (but got through staring into space)and I talk to her everyday like I did when she was around only this time no reply or opinions which I miss so much.
my head is completely empty of everything apart from what I’m doing at that given time. I’m scared of forgetting my memories.i feel nothing.
im scared of facing reality and pretend she’s still here