Will things get better?

So it has been 7 months since my mum passed. I think the shock might have worn off now. How do we get through this? At the end of every day I just feel so exhausted and miserable. I do get flashes of happiness from my husband and nieces but I just wonder if I’m ever going to be content again? I don’t know what i can do to learn to life with this better? The pain is just so bad and I feel lost without her. I’m 30 years old and yet to have children and I just so wish she could be here to guide me through it. I just feel so anxious and stressed and I can’t see a way out.

  • Hello Amanda.  I am sorry you are feeling so rough.  While there is no time limit placed on grieving - everyone reacts differently - if your grief is interfering with your ability to cope with your daily life again you do perhaps need a bit of help to get your through this.  I don't think there is ever a point when you can say "I have got over this" but learn to get along with the sad memories and think more about the happy times that went before them.  I had my only son after my mum died of cancer and yes I was sad that she never met him (I put their photos together - it was the best I could do!).  Have you considered giving a phone call to Cruse Bereavement Care (Freefone 0808 808 1677) - they have a wealth of experience and I have seen people on this forum tell how helpful they were.  Worth a try? There are times in our lives when we all need a bit of help as it can all seem too much for us.  We are only human.

  • Thanks so much for taking the time to reply to me and sorry to hear that you too lost your Mum. I’m not sure if you felt the same but it’s coming to terms with the shock of it all. I have arranged to see a counselor so hopefully things will get better soon. Thank you again x