Hi I have been reading loads of posts on here to try and find more understanding of the same grief am going through and what peoples thoughts are. It all started with my mum in and out of doctors and hospitals for years and years and mum got told chest infection to maybe copd. She had so many scans and in the middle of march they told my mum she had pneumonia it showed on a scan now 2 weeks later my mum felt even worse and could hardly breathe and got took to hospital again which they told her it was a lung collapse due to them finding small cell stage four lung cancer. We were so angry especially my mum because she was fobbed off every week by her doctors. She done everything to slow it down to chemo palliative treatment to radiotherapy pallitive treatment god love her. She even told the oncologist about pain in her head after chemo and they done a scan and told her it hadn't spread to the brain and she got a phone call 3 days later to say it has they made a mistake she had a hidden brain tumor apparently so my mum had cancer spreading all over her and still the hurt and anger u could see in her eyes. I lost my my mum just before six months of diagnosis and I feel like I have had my heart stamped all over. I don't think I will ever get over seeing her be so strong then the last two weeks deteriorated to her death. Sorry for my long story guys xx