I lost my partner in March 17 to cancer. Sometimes I feel am coping then all of a sudden it hits me and I can't stop crying, he died in my arms. He wasn't just my partner he was my best friend. He fought like a lion for me. I've lost a lot of family in the last few years so I've had my fair share of grief but this pain of my soulmate is unbearable. When will I stop feeling this raw pain

  • Hello Maria.  Grieving is a very personal thing; it can continue for a long time .  We can think sometimes we are starting to get over it but then it hits us again.  There is no time limit and each person grieves in their own way.  Be kind to yourself.    I have found there is no cut-off date but that gradually the pain you feel is mixed with the good memories and you can enjoy remembering them.  If you have nobody to share your feelings with then I would suggest that you ring Cruse Bereavement Care (Freefone 0808 808 1677); I have not perrsonally had any dealings with them but they have been around for a long time and have a good reputation for helping people who have lost a loved one.  Best wishes.

  • Hi Maria,  I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. Sending you some hugs. Xx