Recently Lost my mum to secondary breast cancer

Hi everyone ,

im new to this site and not sure if I'm posting in the correct place

I have just lost my mum, my best friend to metastatic breast cancer, she was just 58 she passed away 3 weeks ago with all her family including myself by her side.

she was diagnosed 2.5 years ago then the cancer spread to her bones, but was controlled with hormone tablets for over a year.

then this year had spread again to liver and esophegus.she deteriorated quite quickly, so we decided it was for the best for her to go into loros for her final days where  she passed away.

im just feeling so sad and lonely now that she's not around and it's only been 3 weeks!

not sure how I will cope without her, my life feels so empty now.

im extremely sad that my mum will not be here to watch my baby boy grow up, all his first milestones I was looking forward to sharing them with mum, she adored her little grandson so much but for many months before she passed away she was so poorly and weak to be able to spend much time with us. I used to spend nearly every day with her now I can't even ever hear her voice again.

It's Such a cruel disease, life's so unfair sometimes, Iv just sat and read so many stories of people sadly in the same boat as me.

just hoping for some reassurance that it does get easier to cope at this awful time of my life. 

lisa x

  • Hi lisa ... i still miss my mum 28 years down the line ... you do learn to live with it, but just slowly, i remember thinking in my head that ill see her tomorrow, i did that every day till that raw pain eased... but still miss her every day ... my son's miss her too, and they still talk about their nanny and how wonderful she was .... 

    Now I'm on my breast cancer journey, as I'm the nan, with my beautiful granddaughter who's my world and just turned 6 .... she's here laying beside me, sleeping ... since she's been 18 months I've been doing a memory book, telling her all the funny times we've had, and pictures of our adventures along the way, as I'm so scared she may forget these memories ... maybe you could do your son a little memories book of your mum and tell him all about her, as you've more then likely got photos of them together, and tell him how much she loved him ... it has really helped me ... with a little bit of her story of her life too ..

    I know I'd be so sad if I looked down after I go, and see my son's so sad ... I love it when they laugh over silly things, and to remember the good times ... like I tried to do for my mum and dad ... I've included photos of them and my grandparents story in her book too ..

    You need to go through this sad time as it is part of the process of losing them , so be kind to your heart while it's happening .. I used to think of a couple of funny memories I had and when I feel sad, i relive the happy ones till they push the sad ones aside, and I smile again ...

    Sending you a big hug ... Chrissie xx

    My son's 

  • Hi Chrissie,

    thank you so much for you reply with your really kind and encouraging words!

    Your granddaughter is very beautiful ,I'm so sorry to hear that your also having to go through this awful journey  with breast cancer too, you seem very strong and brave for your children and grandaighter I'm sure they are very proud of you.


    The book sounds such a wonderful idea to do for my son, I haven't got many photos when she was well I have some of her while she was poorly, I suppose I could use them as he will understand her journey a little bit more when he is old enough to understand.


    i still think that everyday I wake up I wish I could just ring her to tell her about my day and all about what my little boy is up to, it still doesn't seem real. Almost feel like my life just feels over at the minute. I have to try be strong for my baby boy but my heart is breaking inside. 

    i really hope you will get better  stay strong for your gorgeous little grandaughter.


    Sending you a big hug back! 

    lisa x


  • Hi Lisa,

    Sorry to read/hear your news,

    I lost my beautiful mum to MBC in Feb only 3 weeks after diagnosis, she was the most important person in the world to me and vice versa, true best friends.

    Even though some time has passed since Feb, in many ways it is still very raw, I don’t spend every second of everyday crying now like the first couple of months but continually have a lump in the back of my throat and that sinking feeling.

    I just turned 27 in November and my mum was 56, similar age to your mum and way too young to be taken away.

    Please just know you are not alone and unfortunately there are a lot of us here in the same boat I don’t have kids yet but when I do I pray my mum can see them from where she is.


    Feel free to message me on here if you ever want to chat xx

  • Hi alera,

    thank you for your message, I'm so sorry to hear about your mum too, only 3 weeks after diagnosis must have been such a shock, that's just's such a cruel world isn't it!! 

    Our mums are the most important people in our lives which makes it so difficult now that they are not with us.

    like you and your mum,my mum was/is my best friend we did everything  together.

    yes that's how I feel at the minute that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach all day and feel so sad.

    everytime I go to visit the cemetery it just doesn't seem real still. I just think why are you in there, you should be here with us still enjoying life.

    im sure our mums will be watching down on us, out of pain and fear now. (Not that it makes us feel any better)

    i have booked a  reading with a medium soon so I hope my mum comes through to me, I do believe it all that sort of stuff so I think if she told me anything that only I would know about mum that would make me feel much better knowing her spirit is still with me.

    i myself am only 30, we are both so young to not have our mums here to help us through life and guide us , reassure us and just be our mums! 

    Im always here if u need a chat too. 

    lisa x