
My 9 year grandson was diagnosed with glioblastoma on 26/07/17. He passed away on the 03/11/17. His mum our daughter has had breast cancer twice and then it spread to the chest wall the 3rd time. It has been kept undr control but a scan revealed last week it is growing and spreading.  Right now I feel nothing and I mean nothing.......

  • It doesn't come worse than that, Frinbin. Awful. So sorry. xx Harry

  • Hello Frinbin. I cannot imagine what it means to be in your position. I hope you will get some support for yourself and your daughter. Although it must seem that your life has crumbled I am sure you want to support your daughter and this may be motivation to get the help you need. Like many people I don' t know what to say in your terrible situation but so much hope you will find a way through this although I know it will be at great emotional cost to yourself. To have lost your grandson so quickly must have seemed the worst that could happen but this further tragedy is just horrendous. Please take care of yourself.
  • Hello again.  Just wondered how you and your daughter are doing.  Christmas must mean so little to you this year.  I hope you have some support for yourself.