Coping with loss & grieving

it was 6 months since my husband passed away last week & I finally broke down completely, I was sobbing so uncontrollably I could not breathe I was home alone & it came on so suddenly it was quite scary gasping for air, I have been struggling a lot & am having counselling & have started anti-depressants to make it worse I have started early menopause & am experiencing hot sweats, really low mood & going from fine to exhausted in a minute I am struggling to settle back into work & have no enthusiasm or motivation for anything, I feel so guilty feeling like this when there are many people much worse off than me who just get on with things but I just can’t seem to bring myself out of it , I miss my husband my best friend so much.

  • Hi there Belle .... bless ya,  I think your being really hard on yourself ... some people grieve even before someone dies ... some people strait away ... and some years later, when something just clicks ... it's normal, everyone grieves differently, and you lost your husband ... if you'd held it all in, you would never heal ... when you let it all out like that, your letting some of the pressure off ... if you think of your brain as a store cupboard... you can put emotions in there and close the door ... until late one day you open it up to put more feelings in, and it is so full it all comes tumbling out ...and it feels overwhelming...  Please don't feel guilty ... everyone who looses someone they love goes through the same emotions but in different ways ... you need to be kind to your heart and realise how sad this is for you ... you have probably been to strong, for too long ... I even had a good scream once, years after my mum had died coz I realised I'd been carrying it around inside ... I felt so much better after ... 

    If you phone the free phone here or mcmillan,  they may tell you how you can get counciling.... just try and live in the day, go with how you are feeling, and once you stop being so hard on yourself, you may find , oh so slowly, you'll start being able to deal with things ... small steps and lots of talking ... I hope you have someone who can give you a big hug ... and im sending you one today ... you know your braver then you realise ... take care ... chrisie xx 

  • Thank you Chriss for your kind words, I am already going to bereavement counselling once a fortnight, but my moods & emotions are so up & down at the moment, I just wish I could take an interest in things, just getting out of bed is a real effort & I am dreading Christmas, I have been bottling everything up & trying to pretend i’m Fine because I didn’t want people to worry about me, but I think I am finally letting it out & I need too x 

                                 Thank you

                                   Belle xx