
My dad died on Wednesday after a seven month battle with small cell lung cancer. He never smoked or drank, was very fit and quite young (late Fifties). Since he died all I can think about, all the time, is if I'll get it too. I'm terrified. Is this a normal reaction? I keep crying for my own children at the thought of them losing their mother. I feel like I'm losing my mind. 

  • Hi Zutugi

    Seems like a normal reaction to me. You need to try and get out of this cycle though it may or may not happen to you but worrying is not going to make any difference exceot to your life now.  Try and remember the good times and make fun times with your children.


    Hi Zutugi.

    My sincere sympathy on the loss of your Dad. It seems so unfair when it attacks someone who is clean living like him, but sadly, it does happen.

    I lost my Mum to secondary breast cancer, which had spread to her liver, lungs, bones and brain. I too was terrified that I might fall prey to this disease, and unfortunately, I am one of the unlucky ones! It might be worth having a talk to your GP about this.

    Some cancers are more likely to be genetic than others. I have a daughter and asked her if she wanted to undergo genetic testing to see if she was likely to get it too. She declined because she said that she would rather not know until she had to. She has agreed to do regular checks, so that she can catch it early enough if she does fall prey, but doesn't want to live with a cancer diagnosis until it does occur. Her other concerns if she went ahead with testing, centred about whether or not this might impinge upon her ability to get a mortgage, loan, life insurance etc.

    Fortunately, not all cancers are genetic. I hope that your GP can reassure you that you and your children are likely to stay free of it.

    Please stay in touch. We are always here for you whenever you feel like talking.

    I am thinking of and praying for all of you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx