I do not seem to be coping very well from the death of my Husband, it was all so quick from him being diagnosed with Melanoma of the Brain on April 20th 2017, we had a very hard time of a Rollercoater ride of emotions being told bad news after good news, he was taken into Hospital on the 23rd July 2017, and I was told the news I was always dreading that the treatment wasn't working and that he hadn't got long to live, I was up at the Hospital day and night for 3 weeks, when he finally lost the battle on the 12th August 2017, I hate every day I struggle all the time to atcept he has gone, I miss him so so much the pain is unbearable to live with, I am frightend and scared of my life now, as we were Soul mates and I feel I will never get through this horrible grieving I am only 47 yrs of age, and I never thought I would be widowed so young, my Husband was only 59 which isn't very old either. I just thought we would of had another 20 yrs together at least. My heart breaks for him constantly.