My Husband

I do not seem to be coping very well from the death of my Husband, it was all so quick from him being diagnosed with Melanoma of the Brain on April 20th 2017, we had a very hard time of a Rollercoater ride of emotions being told bad news after good news, he was taken into Hospital on the 23rd July 2017, and I was told the news I was always dreading that the treatment wasn't working and that he hadn't got long to live, I was up at the Hospital day and night for 3 weeks, when he finally lost the battle on the 12th August 2017, I hate every day I struggle all the time to atcept he has gone, I miss him so so much the pain is unbearable to live with, I am frightend and scared of my life now, as we were Soul mates and I feel I will never get through this horrible grieving I am only 47 yrs of age, and I never thought I would be widowed so young, my Husband was only 59 which isn't very old either. I just thought we would of had another 20 yrs together at least. My heart breaks for him constantly.

  • Hello, I can so relate to how your feeling. My " soulmate" passed away in June, we had been together for 38 years and my lovely Malcolm was only 61. I get so scared at times if I stop and think of life without him. I really try and busy myself each day and maybe try and " box things off" to stop me dwelling too much on things. Today as I was driving,  a favourite song came on the radio that was special to us, that set me off crying and I pulled into a lay-by and bawled my eyes out. I felt better afterwards so tears do help cope for sure.  We had so much planned together and I really find it hard to cope with the fact we won't be together to do it. Please message me if you want to or just chat on here. It does help knowing your not on your own. my very best wishes to you. Rose 

  • Just wanted to say ... I'm so so sorry for your loss ... life is so cruel ... and there's no easy way through grieving ... all the emotions you can imagine all seem to overwhelm us at times like this ... so glad you got message from someone else here too going through the same ... so hopefully you will be able to hold each other's hand for a while ... 

    hold on to the good memories and they will help you too ... I'm sure they don't leave, they just watch us from abouve .... and we carry them in our hearts wherever we go ...hope you both have loving families too to give you a hug now and then. ....

    thinking of you both ... Chrisie xx

  •   The truth is you are coping in the only way you can at this early stage in your grief,  I lost my soulmate Steve in February 2017 after a short battle with Oesophageal cancer. He was only 54 we met later in life 12 years ago and I too anticipated us growing old together and I feel cheated and angry and lonely  even though I have a strong family support network and good friends. Some days I just wanted to go to sleep and dream about him but since he passed I have not once dreamt about him.But he has visited me in spirit when I have been at my lowest I have felt him lay down next to me in bed and wrap his arms around me. Talk to your loved one he will hear you.

    I wish I could tell you the pain will go away but it doesnt it just changes and softens and becomes more bearablen I keep busy ive redecorated the house, visited my eldest daughter in Australia. I try to do something creative every day to honour his memory.Some days I can even smile or laugh then I feel guilty. Grief counselling helped enormously. He will always be with you watching over yout keep him in your heart .

  • I am so sorry. l have no idea what l would do without my husband. I have been married 20 years and we have been together since he was 16 and l was 17. He is my soul mate and l don't think l could cope. We are always together and have no place l would rather be than with him and my family. No kids of my own so its just me and him. Word cannot help in this sitution. Apart from l am so sorry


  • Hi, Today I'm really struggling. Just going to take myself off for a walk which helps me clear my head but this awful loneliness and pain is so tough. Hugs to you all. 

  • Hi Malro

    Yes my dad has been doing a lot of walking as he said it clears his head and passes time.

    I cannot begin to understand how bad you must be feeling as it's your life partner, ?



    like my mum was to my dad.

    I know l have woke this morning and she is in my mind. God how l miss her l still don't want to accept she is gone. My best friend.....the one that helped me when l was ill or upset or had a problem that was bothering me. She was always there now l have nobody. My dad is amazing and l love him so much but like now he is suffering and lost. He càn't think of a future without mum and l sit and try help him and say you have a future and he has us (his family) and we need him. But who has he really got when we all go home. l know if it was me l would give up. I feel like that just now and its my mum but l also have my own illness to put up with and it gets me down and l think to myself my partner would be better without me he still has a chance at a normal life with someone that can hardly walk and might get wors

    But that's not my advice to you. You have to find that inner strenth to go on as would he want you to give up? I am sure it would be no so you go your walks do anything that makes you feel that small bit better. Be as strong as you can. Its going to be so hard but you will do it. 

    I am weak today l just want to see her as everything is going wrong. I am scared about getting knee surgery, l think l am gonna lose my job the full.2 days l was going to work when l went back after recovering from this op which will be months. I am getting no pay anyway am even losing my ssp so they sent me a form on getting ESA whatever that is. And l don't care as l just want my mum.


    L xxxx