Heart broken

My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer friday may 26th 2017 it had spread, he tried to fight it but became unable to swallow anymore he was in alot of pain he had the drive fitted on friday 30th june 2017 he looks very peaceful just sleeps he doesnt move or speak its absolutely heartbreaking seeing him in this way i am devastated cant stop crying i honestly cant imagine life without him. He is at home surrounded by his family we sit there and talk to him hold his hand earlier we played some of his favourite music softly to him but we know now the drive has been fitted it will only be a matter of time before he passes  i am so scared of being without him and hearing his last breath x

  • Thanks for your message, i miss my dad terribly :'( :'( :'( i still cant believe hes gone.... </3 x

  • Hiya. 


    I am so sorry it's so sad but I know like me it's a relief he's no long suffering. It's now our pain and suffering starts.but hopefully with time it will get better. When I went. Through it last week i thought I was the only one in the world suffering but being on here made me realise we are not alone and lots of people are going through the same thing. I'm just waiting for the funeral next Friday which I'm dreading but know it has to be done. It's only been just over a week i lost dad but  feels like a lifetime I just want my old dad back 


    god bless you and know that our dads are in a better place 


    mary xx

  • Hi Mary,

    I am so sorry to learn of your dear Dad's passing - it is all just so very painful. My lovely Dad died in March 2012 and I miss him terribly. It does get easier but it is a hard old road.

    Thinking of you.

    God Bless. X

  • Hi Dunanat1

    thank you for you kind words. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Its all so sad but know we will all meet up again 

    mary x

  • Hiya just wondered how you were. My dads funeral was Friday and was so very hard. Passed in a bit of a blur but know if dad was looking he would have seen how many people adored him. I'm finding it so so hard at the moment and struggling to deal with it. Just want my dad back. Everyone keeps saying time is a great healer and I pray to god that I start to feel some sort of normal to soon. My mum is struggling so I'm trying to be strong for her. My inlet relief at the moment is knowing I will see him again one day. I'm off to church now which does help a little. 


    God bless



  • Hi hun,

    havent been on here in a while just still trying to come to terms with the loss of my daddy which has been very hard, we had his funeral yesterday which was very sad as was the final goodbye but tried to smile through the tears as im sure he would have been watching down and very proud. My mum also is finding it very hard she was with my dad for over 30 years and they adored eachother we are all truely heartbroken. My dad was one of a kind such a lovely man he would brighten up any room with his big personality he is truely missed.

    How are you and how did your dads funeral go i no things will never be the same but i hope you are thinking of all the lovely memorys u had with your dad as memorys are all we have left until we meet again in heaven which we definetly will xx

  • Hiya oh bless you at least the funeral is over. I thought it would get easier after funeral but struggling more than ever. Actually on holiday at the moment and keep breaking down as it's not the same without dad. Trying to be strong for everyone but so hard. I know it will get easier and feel better knowing we are not alone. Maybe our dads are up there talking now who knows? Yes we will 100% see our dads again That's for sure. Xxxx

  • Yeah i know the feeling now feel back to square one and feel worse than ever, i have been looking at photos of my dad and watching videos of him singing they make me smile and proud i had him as my dad but i miss him so much just want him back. I have been waking up during the night not sleeping just crying i feel a right mess. My dad found it so easy to make friends he was so lovely and kind and just made everyone smile he had such a infectious personality everyone loved him so im sure they are probably both up there having a chat probably telling eachother how proud they are of us to of had such lovely daughters aww they are truly missed until we meet them again xx

  • Yes my dad was the same so friendly and funny people loved being around him. I went out last night and they played the two songs from dads funeral had to run out the restaurant. It was like dad was saying don't forget me 

    i know they would be so proud of us and probably looking down saying come on girls pull yourselves together. Oh why is this all so hard just want the feeling to ease. Dad was only 69 and I look at older men in their 80's that look so well and think why couldn't my dad be like that 


    feeling so so sad. 


    Gid bless. I know they are up thier waiting for us 


    mary x