My dad was diagnosed with a tumour in his lung just 2 weeks ago. He was admitted to hospital last Friday and by last Sunday had a CT and we were told the cancer had spread to his brain. He had biopsy on Tuesday and since then deteriorated rapidly (stopped eating, talking etc) . On Friday the docs advised that the cancer was to advanced for them to offer any treatment. He passed away this morning and I was with him the whole time. I am relieved that he is not suffering and no longer in pain (he had suffered with sore heads and a sore back for a number of months) but I feel incredibly lost now and feel like he has been taken far too soon (58). Is there anyone else that has been in a similar situation where a loved one has been 'fine' to a certain extent and then within 2 weeks passed away. I'm struggling to comprehend why this happened so quickly and what life if going to be like without him.