Lost dad within 2 weeks

My dad was diagnosed with a tumour in his lung just 2 weeks ago. He was admitted to hospital last Friday and by last Sunday had a CT and we were told the cancer had spread to his brain. He had biopsy on Tuesday and since then deteriorated rapidly (stopped eating, talking etc) . On Friday the docs advised that the cancer was to advanced for them to offer any treatment. He passed away this morning and I was with him the whole time. I am relieved that he is not suffering and no longer in pain  (he had suffered with sore heads and a sore back for a number of months) but I feel incredibly lost now and feel like he has been taken far too soon (58). Is there anyone else that has been in a similar situation where a loved one has been 'fine' to a certain extent and then within 2 weeks passed away. I'm struggling to comprehend why this happened so quickly and what life if going to be like without him. 

  • Hi CA

    i lost my sister the same way went into hospital on a Friday didn't seem to bad we thought it was a chest infection after a ct scan like yourself we/she found out it was all over head/lungs liver kidneys she could talk one day then nothing went into like a sleep mode with small bouts of confusion she died the following Friday. The speed at which it took her stunned us ,we had just lost our mum 6 weeks earlier and we're all planning to come together as a family and support each other but it was not to be , to this day I still feel numb at how quick it was but like yourself please that she didn't suffer. The loss of losing two people so quickly was very hard to comprehend but the pain of it gets a little easier with time but I like to think at least they our together. I hope that time will help you too. C x

  • I lost my sister, 50 years old, healthy, full of life. Cathryn was diagnosed with a sarcoma and died 3 weeks later. She thought she had a slipped disc but was admitted to hospital because could not wee, then was diagnosed. We went from some hope to no hope so quickly. I was with her for the week in hospital, I remember it bit by bit as I can't cope with the memories, unless in very short thoughts, I cry and sob for her, for me, for all that cancer hurts.

    It was horrific, 6 weeks on I still can't believe my sister has gone, we were so close. 

    I still go to phone her then realize she is gone, it breaks my heart. I was numb for ages, when the feelings came they were so intense that I felt physically sick. The intensity is lessening which I am grateful for.

    She helped me through my cancer, i'm in remission now, I thought I'd help her to get better but no, cancer is cruel, it took her so quickly.

    I'm glad it was quick though, as she was active for most of her life and only suffered the very last few weeks. 

    I'm working on life without her, it just seems to go on. 6 weeks has passed, her funeral has happended, I have to continue and live. I have children, grandchildren a husband, they help me through it. 

    I hope you are ok and that it gets easier

    Take gentle care