Grief has kicked in - recent loss of father

My dad died on the 31st October his funreal was on 25th November and since the 26th the grief has hit me like a ton of bricks. 

I feel guilt and pain my mind what's to know where he is. Seeing him ill then die is hard I think I am processing it and it hurts and i struggle to sleep and not eating well. Nothing seems the same just all surreal and pointless. I can't belive it's Christmas soon. I also feel quite anxious and a little scared does anyone else feel this way? When does it feel better? It's so hard nothing matters anymore and I feel like no one understands? All I can think about is him and the cycle that goes with it.  

  • So sorry for your loss,

    I felt the same as you when my mum passed away two months ago, my world just collapsed. The anxiety and not sleeping will eventually become less and less, however it is very dependent on each individual situation. please speak to someone, especially consider speaking to someome who is detached from your situation but understands what you have been through. It gets easier as time goes by, I couldnt sleep at all at first and I wasn't hungry. I have found keeping myself really busy throughout the day helps and spending as much time as possible with other people. I wanted to hide from the world at first but other people help by distracting you from what has just happened. I don't think the pain of the loss will ever leave me because of the shock and anxiety associated with the last year and watching my mum suffer and become weaker and weaker. Remember that they will always be with you because of your memories. take care and best wishes for chirstmas and new year.



  • Hi Jessica,

    Thank you has your aniexty gone? My loss was only on the 31st October but it hit me two weeks ago. I feel depressed and anxious. I can hardly eat or sleep or even drink alochol. I am awaiting counselling. I saw my dad suffer too mainly in the last 3 months and I sort of relive it all its like my mind is torturing me. Do you get that? Your loss was very recent also have you been working? I find that so hard too cried at my desk a couple of times. Sorry for your loss btw. I had no idea it does this to people I thought you just get sad but the sleep deprivation is too much 

  • Hi Katie 

    My Dad died on 06/12 and the funeral isn't until 22/12. It feels surreal and I keep expecting him to call. He was only diagnosed 3 weeks before he died and 3 weeks before that he was driving around in his car and his only complaint was back ache.... which turned out to be bone metastasis. As for work, I can't even see myself ever going back to work at the moment as I can't seem to function, I haven't even driven my car since as I wouldn't be safe. Even though you have cried at your desk I admire you hugely for going back to work. I'm so sorry for your loss and I really do feel your pain xx

  • Please pm I have replied but my internet is very slow x

  • Hi I feel exactly the same as you. My dad died 28th November. It was so sad seeing my dad go from heathy and active in August when he was diagnosed, to ill in a matter of weeks. We had lots of tears along the way and now I can't get my head around it. I made a PowerPoint of photos to show after the service, which really helped me focus and everyone enjoyed. It helped my mum too as we spoke about the memories etc. My dad loved Christmas and it's so hard seeing everyone having a good time, hearing happy Christmas songs and getting on with things when for us something so significant has happened. I've not slept or eaten properly in ages so in the new year I'm going to see a counsellor to talk about how I'm feeling. Definately talk about your dad and keep his memory alive everyday. He's 50% you so every second a part of him is with you Xx

  • The anxiety is still here but it has reduced, I still struggle to sleep occasionally and reply everything in my mind. I am also thinking about getting some help. I gave done to work, I started my new job as a newly qualified nurse just over a month ago and that has kept me so busy, which has been good but whenever I am on my own I really struggle and can get very depressed. I really struggled to drink at all for at least a month after it happened and when I did start drinking it is only around people I trust as I know I can get really upset and the understand. The hangovers do not help and just make the world seam like an even darker place. Each case of grief is different and people deal with loss so differently, but I really recommend keeping active if possible as your mind will keep going over and over what has happened and you need something to concentrate. I had a 2 months off after my mum died and I really didn't want to go to work and some days I really really just want to stay in bed and hide from the world :( i did as much exercise as possible when I was off and avoided caffeine as I wanted to try and make myself tired. My mind does go over everything constantly and I'm not sure how to stop that, it has reduced with time but I still think about it everyday. Please just remember your father loved and was proud of you I'm sure and try to concentrate on enjoying life as much as possible as they would want you to. Please message anytime if you need to.
  • Hi all


    I am so so sorry for all your losses. I am in the same place albeit a little further on from you as Dad passed in July. I would guess many of you are still in the numb/shock stage which takes several weeks to come out of. I too really struggle with the "where is he?" and the anxiety. In fact I really felt like half of me was missing and lost all social confidence which I am only slightly regaining now almost 6 months on. Dad was not only a parent but a best friend and a mentor and I still cannot comprehend I will never see him again. My mum lives a fair while away (and chooses to stay there although the offer has been to move near us) but that is her choice and I really respect that but it also means that I constantly stress about her and sometimes put my own grief on hold for that which is not healthy. I did start seeing a counsellor which I felt really helped.If nothing else just to be able to selfishly unload for an hour without worrying about upsetting anyone. I dont know about you but even though I have a 4 and 6 year old I suddenly feel like I am a parent rather than a child and my own safety blanket has been whipped away. It is so much harder to deal with from every aspect than I ever imagined. Chrsitmas will be tough and like you Dad was massive on Christmas and there will be a gaping hole. I will make it special for the kids and I know that dad would not want us to be sad. The one thing I have to remember is that I was blessed to have the most amazing dad and feel the most incredible love for 39 years of my life, Some people never experience that. I got to say goodbye, thank you and everything else I wanted to the most amazing man I will ever know (sorry husband - you are on a parr!) Sending virtual hugs to you all and am always here for anyone that wants to "off load" as I have found that it is only people that have experienced it really "get" what we are all going through. Much love xx

  • Its only a few days! Its horrible but very common and normal to feel shocked and not believe it is true at first. And find it difficult to function.

    Particulary shocking when it come out of the blue - its not like you had any warning and time to get used to the news. I do understand how you are feeling.

    You may not feel able to feel you can cope with work now, but that doesnt mean that you will *never* work again. It varies, but you might feel more in control in a few days/weeks. I would hope that your employer has 'compassionate leave'? Its for exactly this situation, and means that you dont need to use up annual leave? Or go off sick.

    Do talk to your GP if you continue to find it overwhelming? They may say what is true which is it its normal reaction to grief. Mine said that, and said it was a good idea to have time with family and friends for support.

    There is also the option of getting some counselling. if that would be helpful (and available)

    It does get easier over time. You will never forget him of course, but it will get less upsetting. .Thinking about him will be less traumatic. If you are like me, its horrendous to start with but has become just sadness rather than upset in the end.

    Dont give yourself a hard time about having problems with functioning properly.  Make sure to look after yourself. Eating even when you arent hungry, and resting.

    There are pages on bereavent in NHS Choices. One is about dealing with grief:

  • So sorry for your loss. My dad also passed away recently, 23rd Nov and his funeral was a week ago.

    Dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 11 weeks ago and I can't believe he's no longer with us.

    It's all happened so quickly. Dad was in hosp for 3weeks then we cared for him at home. He deteriorated very quickly. 

    I completely understand what you're going through. Shock set in with me after the funeral and my head is scrambled. I can't think straight. I'm not sleeping very well either. I'm looking after mum the best I can, luckily she doesn't live far from me. Poor mum, her and dad were together for 59yrs. 

    Grief is a rollercoaster of emotions and it's not the same for everyone. Counselling is a good idea if you're feeling very depressed every day quite a while afterwards. It's normal to have waves of emotion. Which im having. Some days I do okay and others I feel so upset. 

    Just wish we could bring them back again. But im sure they'll be looking down at us, watching over us xx