I just don't know what to do. I'm 27 and my Mum was diagnosed with cancer late december, After Mum going through treatment I was told yesterday that she has months to live rather than years. I am so heartbroken, Me and Mum are very close, whenever I needed advice or something happend in life she was always there for me and everything was okay again. Now I can't turn to her when I need her the most, I know I have to try and be strong for her because she doesn't want to die, she's only 53 and I'm her only child. I haven't had children yet and it's sad to know she won't ever meet them. I was very close to my Nan too (her Mum who died in 2010) And all three of us had so many great times together. I hate the thought that when I do have children I won't be able to visit Mum and have a laugh like how I used to. Mum is currently in a hospice, which was only meant to be restbite for two weeks, I'm just hoping she will be able to come home because when she's not in pain and has morphine it's like she is well and normal Mum again. I hope she has at least six months or more rather than two. It's very very sad and I don't know how I'm going to cope without my Mum. My Dad is 68 and I just know he won't be able to live without mum either. All I want is My Mum.