Lost my partner 3 weeks ago today.

I've visited this forum about a year ago when my partner was due to go in for her surgery for the Ivor Lewis Operation and a few times between now and then, things had been ok and Jayne was slowly recovering, with occasional dips and a few hospital stays for vomiting and blood clots. A few months ago, they informed us both that they considered her to be clear of oesophagael cancer but 7 weeks ago she ended up back in hospital for what we thought was an easy fix for a dilatation after experiencing some more difficulties with her eating. After 3 weeks in hospital, where she was getting slowly worse rather than better, they told us the cancer had spread and it was terminal, giving her weeks to live. 10 days later she  passed away. It's all such a blur and although I was with her and saw her last breath, it still doesn't seem real. I'm still numb and think I'm still in denial. It's so strange and time feels like it's on hold. it's just such a shock, I can't quite grasp the reality of it all. I'm not sure why I have found myself doing this as I'm not one to open up to anyone but I do feel the need to do something. 

  • Hi kaygeejaypee, 

    I'm really sorry to hear your partner has passed away and on behalf of the Cancer Chat team I want to offer our condolences to you and your family.

    Grief can affect a person in many ways and I have found some information on our website that may help you at this time. Also I'm glad you've reached out to us as many members on the forum have also lost partners and loves ones to cancer. They will really understand what you are going through at the moment and I'm sure they will be along soon to offer their support and share their experiences with you.

    Post as much as you like or need to kaygeejaypee, we are here for you.

    Kind Regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi kaygeejaypee ,,I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your partner ,I lost my sister just over 3 weeks ago to breast cancer  and just like you have explained in this post it doesn't seem real to me either I watched her take her last breath but for some reason it never sunk in that she was gone I thought maybe it would sink in after the funeral but still I dont believe she has gone it just seems like a bad dream :(  

  • Really sorry to hear about your loss too. I was the same with the funeral, I had hoped it would have done  whatever is needed for me to be able to move onto the next stage but sadly it didn't. It was all a bit of a blur. I've been very lucky to have had  one of my sisters to stay with me for three weeks but now I'm alone, I know I need to be and I need to go through this to be able to process it all. 

    I hope you've got a good support network around you, it's so tough xx