how do i carry on

my husband of 2 weeks died sat evening, been to the undertakers today to arrange funeral only to be told i need to pay upfront, i have no money at all to even think about paying for it what the hell am i supposed to do, its hard enough to deal with losing him let alone dealiing woth the funeral arrangements. i miss him so much it hurts. family have been great but cant talk openly to them they feel angry at him for leaving me with no money to pay for his funeral, no one else in the family his or mine is a possition to help financially.

  • Hi Jenny, 

    I'm so sorry to hear your husband has passed away and on behalf of the Cancer Chat team I just wanted to offer our condolences to you and your family. I'm also sorry about the situation you now find yourself in and have found some information about arranging a funeral and funeral costs on our website here which may help but I would recommend giving our cancer nurses a call tomorrow about this as they will be able to advise you further. If you're in the UK you can call them for free on 0808 800 4040 between 9a.m - 5p.m and are available Monday - Friday.

    Wishing you all the best at this difficult time, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Jenny,

    So sorry to read that your husband has died so soon after being diagnosed. I can only imagine what you're going through. 

    Talk to a more sensitive funeral director - my family has used the Co-op in the past and they seemed OK and will have processes in place to help people in difficult situations.

    Steph has pointed you to some practical help - there's also some information here which might help I'm not sure but the funding they refer to might be different to those Steph has linked to. A long as your husband was paying his National Insurance while he was working, there's no reason you shouldn't get the benefits you're entitled to including help with funeral costs. 

    Good luck



  • Thankyou i did go to coop in the end any they are neing fantastic I defo recomend them x