Missing my mum so much :( how do you cope?

My mum passed away a month ago. I am in so much pain. I miss her so much.

How do I get through this? 

I'm generally ok throughout the day, keeping busy, but every night I have a huge wave of sadness and can't stop crying and playing the moment she passed over and over in my head.

I was sitting beside her when she left, and I can't stop wondering if she knew she was going to die? Was she scared? It breaks my heart to think about this but I can't help it. Does anyone else wonder about this? How do you find peace?

I'm so sorry for anyone else going through this also. 

I just wish I could give her one more cuddle, and share one more laugh.

I love you so much mum xx

  • Hi umbrella101 sorry to read you post I can't answer because I would be the same as you it's so hard.losing someone you love and seeing them go though so much pain and suffering.its so hard I think everyone deal with loss differently my thought are with you at this sad time xx look after youself

  • Hi umbrella101, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mum. I lost my mum one month today and I miss her so much. I totally feel your pain. I have good days and bad days and am very tearful, but I am trying to remember the good times with mum. It is so hard, as my memories at present are all of her being ill, but I am trying to focus on the earlier memories. I have pictures of her everywhere when she was younger and well and it does help. I talk to mum every day and tell her how much I love her. When my mum passed, she was at peace, and for that I will always be so grateful, after the years of pain she endured. Try to think your mum was the same. Try to keep busy, I do a lot of riding and being out on my horses helps me focus and I have to look after them so it gives me a reason to get up every day, though some days I just want to stay in bed and not face the world, though my horses need care and love so they make me do it! Please take care of yourself and eat well and get plenty of rest, I know everyone says it, I have been told countless times in the last month, however my mum wouldn't want me to give up, I owe her that much. Thinking of you, stay strong.
  • Hello Umbrella, l lost my dad last year then six months later my mum.

    I was with both of my parents when they passed away from this truly shocking disease. I would sit with my mum and chat every night,I knew she didn't have long left. I remember one night asking if she was scared about going,she said no. She told me that it was so unfair for it to of happened to her so soon after dad but was looking forward to seeing her husband again! I also asked her to please show me a sign that they are ok and together, I'm still waiting for that sign. It's been a year and I really can't tell you what has happened in that year! I'm also finding it very difficult to cope,but I think too myself,maybe they both are so busy that they haven't yet had time to send me a sign?!!

    I just wish that I also could give them a cuddle,I have my mum's voice on my phone and often play that to myself when I just need her.

    I hope that you find your peace soon.xx

  • Hey umbrella , im so sorry for this horrible disease , I'm 23 and lost my mum in July , she passed away ten weeks after diagnosis , I have two grandparents (her parents )and my dad sister and brother live with me , after being so strong for her and everyone it's hit me like a tonne of bricks these last couple of weeks , just to let you know that we're going through it together , and try continue life as she would want , a lot of how we carry on is them living in us and helping us , she's in the clouds when you need comfort and will always live in you , if you ask her a question she'll reply , you mite think it's the voice in your head knowing what she would say , but it's her don't you worry ! Stay strong as their beautiful souls did for us when they were at their weakest 

  • Hi umbrella101 just wondering how you all doing take care x