I lost my beloved husband on 16th June this year he was 69 and we had been married 46 years. I have wonderful support from my two sons and their families but am struggling to come to terms with how my husband died. Head diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and cancer of the bones and liver on Tuesday 7 June 2016 and discharged from hospital with just his medication and discharge letter. Allen passed away just 9 days after diagnosis We did not receive any phone calls/help etc until monday 14th June when we had a phone call and visit from palliative care nurse who changed Allens medications as his pain was getting worse she left me phone number and said our dedicated nurse was on holiday but would be in touch Friday 17 June. After that Allen got progressively worse with both his pain and breathing and was finding it hard to get up and dressed (something he was determined to do). I was in touch with the number of the palliative care team on Tuesday 14th June Wednesday 15th June and Thursday 16th (twice) and was advised to increase Allen medication on each occasion. Thursday morning called out Dr for home visit and then 999 for an ambulance. Allen was really struggling to breathe and the lady on the line whilst we were waiting for ambulance was trying to instruct me what to do tilll ambulance arrived. By this time Allen had collapsed in the bathroom and I knew I was losing him and then he was gone. At that moment the ambulance crew arrived and even though it was too late to help Allen they were brilliant with me (by which time I was hysterical).
I feel that allen's death could have been much more peaceful and our last hours together made much easier by someone from the palliative care team coming out to assess how bad Allen was.
I am am now seeing a Counsellor on a weekly basis to try and help me come to terms with Allens traumatic death.
No one should face cancer alone is what they say but I feel we did