Hi to anyone who might read this. New user here. Guess i wanted to reach out to anyone who can relate to my position of having just learned my dad is going to leave us. He has been told 6 months. Im a 36yo man and i feel like ive regressed to childhood. Im strong in front of people but spend my nights awake soaking my pillow. My dad has been in and out of hospital all year and they couldn't figure out what was going on but did say "don't worry at least you don't have cancer". On 24th june they changed that to cancer of bile duct but operable. 80 days past without op, this angers me. After 80 days and rescan (original scans now too old for op) they said its spread to liver but "dont worry its tiny, you've a good chance with chemo". I went with him this week to his first oncologist appointment who said "im sorry, what you've been told is misleading. You have aggressive ampullary cancer and its already too late. You are looking at 6 months". Ive just had a little baby boy who he won't see walk/talk. I am utterly heartbroken. I need to maintain a straight face and go to work etc but i feel like i want to go with him. I need help. Does this get easier????