Sudden passing of my dad

I lost my father 5 months ago wow it doesn't feel that long ago. He wasn't living in the country for 8 years prior to this but I had seen him 15months earlier he was he usual self. We found out he was in hospital on the Sunday we found out his was cancer on the Wednesday he flew back to the uk on the Thursday and passed on the Sunday. It all happened so sudden and it was horrendous, the strong man I knew 15month prior has turned into a thin draw face with a massive tummy and swollen legs it turned out that the massive tummy was just to his tumour. I still relive though not even 3 days I got to spend with him they will stay with me for the rest of my life but I'm having my good days but lately iv having more emotional days I don't know what is normal anymore I presume this is my new normal I don't feel how I did 5 months ago but I stay strong day to day for my little boy but every so often it will hit my like a Ton of bricks all over again. Everything happened so quickly I was 23 at the time and feel completely rob of my father just want the pain to ease 

  • I'm really sorry to hear about your dad. I've never lost a person who was very close to me yet, but my dad was recently diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. I just wanted to offer you my support and I am sending my thoughts your way. I know this must be a very difficult time for you right now. Do you have other family members you're able to talk to? Cancer is a terrible disease. :(

  • Hi I lost my darling husband 5 months ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and died 6 weeks later after having only one lot of chemo Ihe was only 49 the first few weeks I was in a daze lots of things to sort out then week 6 it hit me quite bad even now nearly 5 months I still cry everyday I miss him so much  this is normal 5 months is on time at all take your time grieving should not be rushed its a personal journey I too hope my pain eases but when? I can't say we just have to take one day at a time sending a hug x 

  • Dear All, I lost my husband 8 months ago and it feels like yesterday in some respects and years in others. I am in a daze as he died over a three period of being ill. In the first week of the illness he was bad then surfaced and I was told not to worry, he started to improve in the second week. By the end of the third week he was dead. They are not really sure what killed him but it was a cancer of which they are not really sure which type. My whole family are in shock as my husband had never been ill in his life. Indeed prior to being hospitalized he was out cutting high hedges, and hill climbing. I keep asking how can this be. Who knows not me. All I can say is time is marching on and there are times when I cope at other times I don't. I am back at work and have been to help me normalize my situation. We all cope in our own way and I am sure we will all continue to do so. Take care everyone.