I lost my father 5 months ago wow it doesn't feel that long ago. He wasn't living in the country for 8 years prior to this but I had seen him 15months earlier he was he usual self. We found out he was in hospital on the Sunday we found out his was cancer on the Wednesday he flew back to the uk on the Thursday and passed on the Sunday. It all happened so sudden and it was horrendous, the strong man I knew 15month prior has turned into a thin draw face with a massive tummy and swollen legs it turned out that the massive tummy was just to his tumour. I still relive though not even 3 days I got to spend with him they will stay with me for the rest of my life but I'm having my good days but lately iv having more emotional days I don't know what is normal anymore I presume this is my new normal I don't feel how I did 5 months ago but I stay strong day to day for my little boy but every so often it will hit my like a Ton of bricks all over again. Everything happened so quickly I was 23 at the time and feel completely rob of my father just want the pain to ease