I lost my mum to lung cancer in may 2016.
I did everything I could to make her comfortable and she stayed at home until the very end with just family caring for her, we were all there when she died.
She was my best friend as we did everything together, during the day I can cope as I push it to the back of my head but as soon as I get in bed In silence Its all I think about. Constantly thinking what if etc and should I of done things differently like discuss death with her which I never did even though we both knew thats what was going to happen I never quite believed she would be gone one day. I feel this enormous gaping hole in my life that nobody can fill and it just isn't the same any more. I struggle to sleep and then feel constantly tired. Im angry at the fact chemo and radiotherapy seemed to destroy my mum with false hope and enormous side effects. I miss her so much.