Almost a year later...

Good morning all

I joined this forum on 30th April 2015 just a few days after my husbands gp sent him for an xray after he coughed up blood. 

His xray results were not good and he was diagnosed with inoperable incurable lung cancer on June 2nd 2015. He passed away 10 weeks later on 12th August aged 54.

During the weeks of his illness I spent many evenings on this forum. Receiving advice. Giving out words of advice. I found it helped me a great deal to focus on other people also having tough battles. It was good knowing I wasn't alone. 

When Neil passed away I pretty much shut down. Had it not been for my daughter I wouldn't have eaten and my grandaughter made black days a little less black. 

Last night I felt able to return to the forum and contribute some advice and words to another lung cancer carer. On the outside I look pretty normal most of the time - and I'm now able to function in a more normal fashion. Inside I'm still very much broken. I have some lovely Internet friends who I met here who jolly me along and as they're ahead of me in their journey I have hope that I too can carry on. 

When Neil first passed (I still can't bring myself to say the D word - too final. Too scary!) I was in a very black place all of the time. Now I'm in a steely grey place! Some days I get through without too much angst. Other days I feel so much mental anguish I wish I wasn't here.  But on the whole I'm coping. Mostly.

Sorry this is such a long post. I guess I could have just said. Life is tough now but I'm trying to cope! Ha that would have saved us all a lot of time. Thank you for reading my ramblings! 




  • Hi Netty,

    It's lovely to see your name come up on this forum again. I can appreciate it has and still is very hard for you. But I am pleased you feel able to come back on here as you have said it is a very friendly place.

    Take care and am sending kind thoughts and best wishes your way, Brian

  • Hi Netty

    It is nice to see you posting on open forum again and I saw that you had offered a hand of friendship on another thread.  As you know I have been along a similar journey (though I still think the grieving process is a very personal experience) but do find sharing thoughts and writing things down has helped. The forum is here whenever you want it to be and others will so appreciate your imput when you feel able to post.

    You are never rambling and 'managing' is becoming a way of life now that I have found some acceptance. My 'outside face' is probably different to my inside one on occasions but we can do our men's memory proud with the support of family and friends.  Take care.  Jules x

  • Thank you Brian. Still struggling a lot but feeling more able to cope. I'm glad I came back - I missed seeing those beautiful pictures!


  • Wise words from you as always Jules.  You are a lovely friend.  Thank you x 

  • Thanks for your kind words Chris. Im trying very hard to enjoy life because Neil can't be here to enjoy. Some days are harder than others. Some weeks tougher than others but at least I'm not alone.  Whatever would I have done without the Internet which has put me in touch with some truely wonderful and supportive new friends. Life has dealt me a bum deal in many ways but I'm also blessed to be well supported
