Tomorrow I will collect the ashes

My husband ​passed away on the 13th February 7 1/2 months after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

​I have struggled the past month to I think even accept that he his gone. It feels like he will enter the room and everything will carry on as in the past.

​I hate going to bed, but I do sleep. Then I hate waking up and he's not there.

​I carry on day to day just on automatic. I don't currently work, I left work when my employer would not let me take Barry to hospital for an endoscopy.

​Tomorrow when I collect the ashes, I wonder if the reality will sink in.


  • Hi - I understand how you feel ..... I really do .. I feel as though I am just going the motions and not really living jut an existence.  Nothing seems to have meaning anymore. 

    I have to collet the ashes next week as the funeral home won't keep them too much longer ..... I don't know if I will feel anything then - I doubt it .... it's as if there is a barrier around me at the moement and nothing amkes any sense.  I expect I will feel that the ashes are that ashes .... the soul is no longer there.  Now where that is may well be a million dollar question.  

    Fingers crossed it's different for you and having the ashes will help. 

    Lots of luck