My Mum passed away last weekend after having stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. I don't think the reality has quite sunk in yet. She was my best friend and I don't know what I'll do without her. We know she wanted to be cremated and her ashes scattered where she was from. My brother remembers her saying she would like just close family at the funeral/private. You knew where you were with my Mum, she told us she didn't want any phonies at her funeral (I know my Dad's brother will want to show up but he is not quite all there and I know Mum wouldn't want him there as they didn't get on, neither does my Dad with him particurarly). She didn't want people who were not there for her when she alive, to be there at her death.
We discussed it with a minister last week mostly with my Dad and sister and decided on a private cremation, a thanksgiving service then a private scattering of ashes. My Dad and I wrote something quickly for the paper and it does invite friends to the thanskgiving service. My brother says and I somewhat agree that I don't know if she wanted this. My brother is also more like my Mum than my sister is. My dad and sister are saying that you need to let people pay their respects and it is not like they are witnessing the actual funeral. But you can;t just invite certain people because eg the doctor from the hospital might want to come along. But I argue it is not about other people it is about Mum. I just want Mum's last wishes to be respected and not have people who barely knew her turning up. My friend for example wants to come along but I want it to be private between Mum and I. I appreciate though that people from her home town and her hobby groups would like to pay their respects and I think that is appropriate but just not people who weren't there for her and random people like my work colleagues.
Just looking for some advice, whether it sounds as if the funeral really is private and the thanksgiving part should be open and how to respect her wishes.