My family deaths

My father was dignosed 12 months ago with mesothelioma. i was with him every single day till death.

I cared, fed cleaned washed medcated did everything and gave up work he was my life to care for my dad and my best mate.

I watched him decline over the 8 months he lived with the terrable cancer but towards the end i found out my brother had cancer too 4 week before dad passed away.

As a family we decided not to tell my father because my brother lives in the usa. I went on for as long as i could caring the last 4 weeks with dad and he went into a rest home he died on the 4th of May terrable.

3 weeks ago my brothers battle with cancer has turned into stage 4 cancer and now no more treatment i am totaly broken the fact that my brother had a change gave hope but now im going to be alone.

would like some help advice thanks 

  • Hi Ben,

    I am someone who has lost my mother, grandmother and an aunt to breast cancer, plus losing my  mother in law and a sister in law to other cancers. Plus my father who lives in Canada has prostate cancer and also my brother in law has the same.. I have also had and recovered from prostate cancer so when I saw the title of your post I homed in on it.

    Yes It has at times been a very sad journey for seeing someone you love suffering from this evil disease is so hard and make us feel so helpless. But when I had my cancer, I was given a booklet and in it was a section asking for people to join a cancer committee. I would never have joined a group like this before but I am now a member of three charities plus I joined this forum over three years ago. I suppose it's my way of fighting back against cancer and all I can say is it has helped me cope. So many families are affected by cancer so charities need all the help they can get. Hope this helps and please keep in contact , Brian.