My father was dignosed 12 months ago with mesothelioma. i was with him every single day till death.
I cared, fed cleaned washed medcated did everything and gave up work he was my life to care for my dad and my best mate.
I watched him decline over the 8 months he lived with the terrable cancer but towards the end i found out my brother had cancer too 4 week before dad passed away.
As a family we decided not to tell my father because my brother lives in the usa. I went on for as long as i could caring the last 4 weeks with dad and he went into a rest home he died on the 4th of May terrable.
3 weeks ago my brothers battle with cancer has turned into stage 4 cancer and now no more treatment i am totaly broken the fact that my brother had a change gave hope but now im going to be alone.
would like some help advice thanks