Hi all
first thank you for reading my post. My mam was diagnosed with metastic(sp) breast cancer in May and has gone down hill drastically in the past few weeks and is now in a hospice. I live 200 miles always and have been up and down like a to up since the diagnosis. We lost my nana in May and I have recently had a miscarrige a week ago, we have spoken to the doctor and have been told it's not much longer I have spent the last week caring for her sitting with her and helpin any way I can however I have a 3 year old son who I miss terribly and want to desperately go and see for a night or two. I'm just terrified of what my family will say I have had my aunty reduce me to tears on the phone that I wasn't with my mam when I losing my baby over a fortnight and have had her say I am heartless and hard and so t live my mam. I am heartbroken and devestated we are losing her and would rather not watch her take her final breaths am I selfish ? Xxxx