I've lost my sister

I lost my 38 year old sister to secondary breast cancer on 16th June after a two and half year battle leaving three girls aged 12, 8 and 6. How can me, mum and dad ever get over this. We have been with her every step of the way but cannot accept it. 


    Hi Alyson74

    Sorry to hear about the loss of your sister, such heartbreaking news. 

    In terms of getting over it, I guess you never fully will, but that doesn't mean it won't get easier. It's very hard to deal with, I lost a friend a year ago, it's awful, but just think about all the lovely memories you shared together, she wouldn't want you not to get over it, which is easier said than done I know. It takes time but you'll manage I'm sure, as hard as it will be. Good days and bad days. 

    I'm currently in such a strange and outrageous place myself at the moment with my health, I have no idea what's happening to me, but I think too much of how everyone else will feel. 

    Have strength, you'll pull through it, just takes time! 



  • dear alyson 74  so sorry you have lost your sister my mum of seventy four died of ovarian cancer last december its the one the call the silent killer we did not know she had it , my mum had breast cancer in 2011 but the got the lump out before it had spread so she was in remmission since then from it, looking back we think mum had this ovarian cancer before her breast cancer, i remember mum getting stomach cramps in 2010 in the summer so it must have been the start of it and she had a some bloatng of the stomach since then i think mum was told it was ibs as it shares the same similar systems as ovarian cancer fot what i read you do not get hardly any symtoms of ovarian cancer untill it reaches a advanced stage which by then its to late although i have read you can have a hysterctomy but the stories i have read so far  that it still comes back in different places so you can not win either way, seven months on i am finding it still too hard although my three sister have learned to cope with it, i miss going out with her every week, but i keep being told it will get easier,i  think all we can do is just remember the good times we had with our love ones and think they are watching us down from heaven, take care oggi

  • Hi. Dunno if you still check this account. I lost my 34 year old sister to secondary breast cancer in March 2015. She left behind 4 year old twin boys. I'm probably a little bit further down the "grieving" line. Anything support I can offer just let me know.