
Hi all to be honest this so out of my comfort zone but looking for some friendly help my mother died over a year ago in my arms to bone cancer it was the most painful horrible experience I have ever been through the hospital visits the sleepless nights as we was her full time carers well anyway all this aside was wondering if anybody knew any sites for family's to share stories so we don't feel alone as my family kept a saying to me it ain't you going through it its your mam I understood that but when your on the side line watching helplessly cleaning her and helping her go toilet and unable to speak that effects us but there was no help for the family year on I still can't cope:( sorry such a long post 

  • Hi Sandra,

    Please, you have no need to apoligise for a long post; the important thing is to unload your feelings and let people on here know how you are.

    In one sense I disagree with what your family said. When cancer strike a family, you all suffer but in differnt ways. Yes it was your mother with the cancer but you yourself suffer emotionally. I know when my mother was suffering from breast cancer which spread to her brain, I felt so useless as there was nothing I could do to help ease her suffering except to be there for her. For their sake, we put on a brave face but thats the exacy opposite of how we really feel. Often we cant talk to other family members in an open an honest way for worrying about making them feel worse. Thats why this forum is such a good place for we can talk to people we will never meet, far easier than we can to family or even friends and knowing that others on here understand how we feel for often they have travelled a similar road.

    Please let us know how your getting on, Grieving takes a long time but is just a reflection of how much we loved our lost one. Sending nest wishes and kind thoughts your way, Brian.