Don't know how to feel

My father in law passed away from bowel cancer 4 weeks ago, we were there with him when he gave his last breath. Truly heartbreaking and no words to describe how I feel. I have seen him every day for the past 3 months and then suddenly not seeing him again is very painful. Although he had an amazing life with plenty of adventures, it was only in the period of less than 2 months they found cancer and told nothing could be done. Although I am back at work for a couple weeks now, I find it impossible to go back to normal life as there are so many memories of him and I just miss him so badly.

  • Hello clarkey,

    I thought I would come and say hello and bump your post back to the top of the forum so that others who have also recently lost a loved one can talk to you and share their own story with you.

    It must have been such a shock for you as everything happened so quickly. It is all still very raw for you as it only happened 4 weeks ago. You did the right thing in joining this forum as so many people here are experiencing the very same feelings you describe.

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Clarkey

    I'm sorry to hear about your father in law.  My Mum passed away 03.04.15, and although she had cancer for a couple of years, she went downhill unbelievably quickly, so I'm in shock, which I think you are too.

    I'm back at work, and some days I'm ok, others I spend most of the day hiding out in the bathroom crying.  Do you have a close family around you?  I'm not quite at the stage of being able to "just think of the happy times", but I hope that given time, I will be able to. 

    I hope you're taking care of yourself, and allowing yourself to feel whatever you want.  Thinking of you x


  •   I lost my beautiful sister to a brain tumour 6 weeks ago, her 21 yr old daughter, myself, her closest friends, my brother, we nursed her literally at home for the last five weeks, the only thing she could do, was see. from past experience of losing our parents and another brother, the fact is, everyone grieves differently, everyone does find a way to cope eventually. as much as we want a good six months to do nothing but wallow in our personal grief, we do find oursetlves very quickly trying to be as normal as possible. therevare no right or wrong way of doing things. getting back into a normal rhythem definately does help once people are ready. talking whats happened over together with close family, really helps. but its a process and it will take time, months, years to come through the grieving process. for some, life isnt ever the same again, its changed forever. its a different life, but as humans we are good at adapting. my sisters friends are feeling numb, my brother and i are experiencing a range of emotions, we know from experience, that we will be ok, life will never be the same without her and seeing what she endured is as hard as losing her. but life is so very precious, in her memory we are going to be well and happy as she would want us to be.