Hi everyone,
I don't know why i've decided to post now, having lost my dad on 20 May 2013 but I feel like i need to. He passed away having suffered with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia for 8 months having been diagnosed at the end of August 2012. It was made worse by the fact that his dad had died, of the same thing, aged 59 when he was 23. When he turned 49 and my brother was 13, he realised the gaes would be the same and said that he would die at 59. We all said that he was wrong and being idiotic but he was diagnosed at 58 and did then pass away aged 59, luckily my brother having turned 24 by that point, so not exactly the same.
I'm now 22, having lost dad at 20 and the 2 year anniversary is coming up shortly, and I don't know how to move on, I just can't, I went travelling for 3 months at the end of january and only got back this week and thought it would help me but it hasn't, I need to move on and get on with my life while remembering the positives but all I ever see when I think of him is the look on his face when he died, and i don't know how to budge it. I was just looking for some advice on hown people have done it and how you can make the memory more positive, as i know we had such great times and we were so close, he was always my rock but i can no longer see any of those memories as I can't get past the negatives!
Any words of advice would be incredible, and really appreciated!