
How do you go on living I feel I am just floating and all this is just a dream. Three years ago my brother died of lung cancer then my mum a month later died of breast cancer it was all so quick then 6 months my dad went with prostrate cancer I nurses them all until they went I have not been back to the house as I think they coming back some time I feel I am going of my head I go out and forget where I am going or can't find my way home thank god for mobile phones cause I send a picture to my son of where I am and he would come and get me doctors just say I am too young for this to be happen and send me home I have a hard time remembering things  just Sunday Mother's Day I went to the cemetery with the kids I broke down couldn't stop crying I been in bed ever since I have ask for help no one what's to know people thinks I should been over this I can't seem to move on 

  • Hi Zenni

    so sorry to read your story! Wouldnt call it a dream more like a nightmare, im not able to help as i think you need profesional help or some kind of bereavment counciling..! i think a lot of people forget about family members at times like this and aim support towards the sufferer.

    i do hope someone comes along to give more comfort than i can give but you are not alone and people do care hang on in there sure someone will come along soon to give advice or direct you towards the people that can give you the help/guidence you need! all the best Andy.

  • Hi Zenni

    So sorry to read how cancer has affected your life and the losses you have suffered.  I am not sure if you are in the UK but as Andy has said there are organisations here that can help with bereavement counselling and there is no time limit of when you may need help with the grieving process. As your day to day living is being affected and I am sure your own family will be worrying about you to it may be worth going back toyour doctor and requesting a referral for professional help- maybe take your son with you to explain more fully how you are feeling.  You can also phone the nurses on this site free from UK landlines 9-5 mon to fri and they will be able to offer advice on a more personal level.  You do not need to cope alone.  Sending a virtual hug at this most difficult of times.Jules54