My inspiration is my mum. She fought Breast and Skin canver for 4 years, she sadly past away in 2009, I was 17 years old and she was 57. I wasn't very very close to my mum, mainly a daddy's girl. I wanted to share some words of wisdom from her and how she coped during her illness in hope that she can inspire others as she inspired me.
Although my mum went through an imense amount of pain and suffering she always had a smile on her face, she was always laughing and never took herself seriously. In a way I believe she thought why be miserable about this? Yes it's tough and effects everyone, it's painful, scarry and takes away parts of you bit by painstaking bit. However the one thing it can't take is your spirit.
Whenever the district nurses visited to remove the pads that was acting like her skin because the cancer was practically eating her away, there would be shouts of pain but for the most part giggling and laughter, jokes and taking the mickey.
In the hospital she would banter with the nurses, doctors and even patients! As they ssay laughter is the best medicine and it's true.
Sometimes you do need 5 minutes to just take a break from it all, a place where you can let go, you need to expell those feeling you bottle up because it's like shaking a can of pop, at some point when you open it all the fizz will explode out and the liquid will be calm again.
It doesn't matter what people think of your situation, an opinion is not a fact, seek help when it's offered and it's ok to cry.
My mum inspires me to have a positive outlook on life, no matter what it is. She inspires me to help people who have/ are going through what I did. She inspires me to have hope that one day this awful desease will cease to exist.
I hope that this message will inspire you to do the same, you are not alone.