Lost my dad almost two weeks ago

My dad was taken very very quickly to metrasophical oesophageal cancer  had the diagnosis on the Friday by Thursday early hours he was gone, I’m very very devastated I seem to only manage when I’m sorting out his estates and the funeral I want to do my best by him as my mom has myasthenia and is in recovery aswell so Its just me I was their every second with dad and wish I had done something to get him to hospital sooner and wish I spent more hours with him.. 

  • Welcome to the Cancer Chat community Emmamarie028 although I'm so sorry to hear of your dad's passing. You have my sincerest and most heartfelt condolences for your loss.

    Losing someone in such a short space of time can be incredibly difficult to process so it's completely understandable, and natural, to be struggling with your grief at the moment Emmamarie028, but our members are here for you and I'm sure some of them will be along soon to offer you their support and words of comfort.

    I hope this information we have about coping with grief will be useful, but if things start to become a bit overwhelming and out of your control then don't hesitate to reach out to your GP for support. Quite a few of our members have found bereavement counselling to be really helpful as well. If this is something that appeals to you and you'd like to find out more, do make sure you have a look at the services offered by bereavement charities as Cruse and Sue Ryder. They are there to listen and will do all they can to help you cope with the loss of your dad.

    Be kind to yourself Emmamarie028, and remember that you are not alone.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Emma, 

    I lost my beautiful Dad to prostate cancer in July this year. This is my first Christmas without him and TBH I want it over with. 

    He was diagnosed 2 years prior to his passing, so technically mourned him for over 2 years. 

    I feel that my grief predominately circles around the anger stage. I feel angry at everything and everyone and it's eating away at me.

    I know everyone goes through grief differently but from reading your post I wonder if we share common ground with this grief stage?

  • Maybe  I am angry at social services for just calling last week with a care package he asked for in August then maybe he would still be here etc 

  • Reading this has knocked me sick. 
    Everyday I have the same thought, which is "This time last year he was still here" or "This time 6 months ago he was still here".

    I am finding it hard to just "get on with life". I think maybe one side of me wants to world to stay still and mourn my Dad, and that is disrespectful just cracking on. 

    I feel like other around me are just going on with life but I am stuck in freeze frame with dark final days of my Dads life on repeat in my head. 

  • Literally I feel the same my moms in New Cross and in my head when I saw her today I couldn’t stay long as I know where he has the camera done and I walked passed and I was like this time 3 weeks ago he was in their asking if I brought my book with me as it’s a long wait and I wheeled him down the corridor I walked to ane  part of me is like I wanna go watch a film but then I don’t want dad to think I’ve moved on to soon  I feel like a zombie walking round 

    I have no recollection of what I’ve been doing for the last few weeks without him 

  • I know my dad would want me to live my life and not to be sad when I cried I front of him he was like I’m gonna be fine it’s ok and then the poor dog is sulking  around in his only human and he don’t even jump all over me like he used to when dad was their