She just went.

Last night I got a message that a close friend was in the hospital on end of life care, I hadn't even known that she had been unwell. I raced to the hospital and sat with her until she took her last breath.

I don't really know what to do now. I'm feeling so angry at myself for not knowing that something was wrong sooner and for letting her suffer without anyone to support her, she hadn't told anyone she had cancer, she was trying to face it alone.

All of a sudden this huge part of my life has just gone, and I feel guilty and selfish for grieving. One moment she was there, and the next she was gone. I'm a single parent and trying to remain strong because I don't want my daughter to see me hurt and upset but I also can't find the emotions to feel because I feel like the grief doesn't belong to me.

I miss her already... I'm sad that I won't see her in town or end up at a party with her or hear about her love life anymore. There is just a big empty gaping hole and I don't want it there, but it's there, and I don't know how to even contemplate healing it because I don't deserve that void... because I feel like I let her down. 

  • It's not wrong to grieve in front of children. Respective of their age you can explain that loss is impacting you and you'll be openly sad for a while. It's not selfish to grieve. Being there for someone's last breath, especially someone you knew and valued, is massive. It must have been a monumental shock and it'll take a while to process it.

    Some people don't want the attention of having cancer and don't talk about it. Most of the people who know about my partner know because of me and my needs to be supported as a carer and mother of children impacted by cancer. He'd rather people see him not as a cancer victim. Don't feel bad about her choices or read too much into it. You were there for her when it really counted and likely were more of a support as a friend than you realise. Grieving people before they're gone when they have cancer is one of the issues of sharing an end of life prognosis. Maybe she just didn't want to deal with that.

    Good luck and my condolences. I'm so sorry x

  • I am really sorry for your loss and send my condolences.

    You have not let your friend down, you were there for her to the end, she would have known that and that would have been a great comfort to her. You could not have done more as she kept this news from you.

    Grief is different for everyone and most of us go through this more than once in our lives. You will remember her with fond memories and you will smile when you think of her. Things are going to be raw for a few days.

    Be kind to yourself, you did a very loving kind thing for your friend, you were there for her when she needed you most. 
    big hugs and I wish you peace and love 
