Just need someone to talk to about how angry I am with losing Mum


I lost my mum to liver and lung cancer last year. She kept the severity of her illness quiet. I found out how poorly she was when a doctor took me aside during her last stay in hospital. 
I am so angry that she wasn't honest and I'm fed up of being told that she was protecting me from the truth. I'm an adult in my 40s who has dealt with death and illness as part of my career and I have been through a divorce from a habitual liar who felt half truths were acceptable. She was not protecting me at all especially as she knew how much I hated lies and half truths

My Dad has become very oversensitive and snaps at me for very little reason. Mostly over my dry humour which has always been part of my personality. The jokes I told were not in poor taste. I feel I need to spend very little time with him as I cannot deal with being his whipping boy. When ever I want to relive a memory of my mum, he often claims that what I am telling is not the truth, which hurts as I am trying to share a treasured memory-warts and all. I want to forget the memories of Mum lying in a hospital bed, struggling to breathe. I want to remember the sassy woman she was. 

I know everyone is hurting in my family, and I try to be supportive. But I feel there is no support coming my way, unless its to belittle. I have amazing friends, but I feel I burn them out and I don't want to be a burden

Thanks for letting me rant. 

  • Hi Kitty,

    So sorry for your loss, I know it’s been a little while but I’m sure it still feels like yesterday? I lost my dad 6 weeks ago from glioblastoma so can relate as he was also hiding exactly how he was feeling from us - he subsequently had a bacterial infection / COVID at the end. He kept telling us he was fine because he just didn’t want to go into hospital as it ruined him the last time he had to stay in the ward. I know it’s not exactly the same but I know how you must feel.

    I’m sure your dad is just grieving and doesn’t mean it, everybody reacts to loss in different ways. I’m up and down like a yo-yo right now so I would just take it with a pinch of salt? Failing that maybe just have a quiet heart to heart with him to let him know how you feel? I do hope you work it out with him. 

    We also had to see my dad struggle to breathe the last 24 hours, he became so agitated / frustrated and wanted us to let him go. That’s going to stay with us for some time. 

    I’ve learnt the last few weeks your friends will be there for you no matter what, regardless of how much you feel like a burden.

    Take care of yourself 
