My mum passed away on 25th Jan - my heart is in pieces without her

My mum passed away on 25th January this year. She had a heart attack in October 2022 and her heart wasn't as strong after that. She had diabetes and after her heart attack, she was on 17 different mdications plus insulin, she couldn't cope with it all so I had training to look after all her medical needs. In July last year she kept complaining of stomach problems, her gp said it was just a tumy bug, 2 months later she still wasn't able to eat properly. She had a severe hypo, rushed to hospital, treated for the hypo and dehydration and then sent home. The following night she had another one, this time they kept her in for a week and she had a colonoscopy to find out why she wasn't able to eat properly, they found a lump in her colon and said they were pretty confident it was cancer.mum was sent home on the Friday and the following Monday she taken to intensive care with a blocked bowel. They fitted a stent, she was fine for a week and then the pain came back, x-ray showed that he stent had come out. Another one fitted but it had a huge impact on her heart. She was taken to a care home for rehabilitation, began to walk again and determined to get well enough to go home. 2 eeks later, she developed a severe cough, taken back to hospital and in for 3 weeks with fluid on her lungs caused by heart failure. 2 weeks later she was allowed home just in time for Christmas wit carers coming in. Boxing day, stomach pain was back, the carers came in and found her collapsed. Taken back to hospital and treated for dehydration caused by suspected gastroenteritis, I told them bout her bowel cancer, they didn't listen. 2 weeks later she was well enough for them to start assessments to get her back home, the following day the stomach pain was back. An x-ray was scheduled fr the following day. That night she rang me to say she had fallen and done something to her leg, she was in so much pain, they had given her morphine but it wasn't working and it took them 3 hours t get her up. Tried to get an x-ray of her leg but it was too painful, the next night the OnCall doctor gave her a huge dose of morphine and took her for an x-ray, she had broken both of her hips. Sh had to have a 9 hour operation to have them fixed, they weren't sure if she would make it because of her heart. She made it through the op, was taken to intensive care to boost her blood pressure ad the next day she was happy. The following day, she slept all day, I thought it was the anasthetic. The doctor said her kidneys were damaged. On the Sunday, he said there were so many things going rong with her that the kindest thing for her was to let her go. She was still sleeping, I stayed at the hospital that night. Palliative care came to arrange end of life care, I wanted her moved to ahospice, we were waiting for a bed. On the Wednesday night she was moved to a room on a ward. On the Thursday morning I went in and she was awake, we had a chat, I told her everything I wanted to sa to her. She asked how far away my sister was, I told her she was 5 mins away, my sister came in. Mum's breathing began to slow, her pulse faded away as I held her hand and told her how much I lovedher. Even though I was prepared, my heart is in pieces without her, we talked every day, she made me laugh everyday, she told me she loved me every day and now she's gone and it hurts. The coroner i opening an inquest as they aren't sure what the exact cause of death was. The hospital were horrible, they used restraint on her when she was in so much pain, she didn't trust anybody there. If shehadn't have fallen, she would have had another stent fitted and kept fighting for years. Thank you for reading, I think I just needed to write it all down to get it off my chest ️

  • Hello Rubyrock, 

    I was very moved to read your story. I am so sorry for your loss and it will resonate with many members of our forum, for example  whose dad also passed away and who posted this thread and is finding it really hard. It's really sad what you mum went through but it's lovely that she was able to see you and your sister in her final moments and you held her hand. 

    Sometimes it does help to come here and write it all down to get things off your chest. Feel free to come here anytime and I hope that I will be joined by other members of our community who have sadly lost a loved one and who will understand how much it hurts and I hope that you can be here for one another during this difficult time. 

    Our thoughts are with you, your sister and your family as you are grieving the loss of your mum. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator