My mother's passing away 6 months ago

I am still coping with loss of my Mum which was 6 months ago, it's now coming up to her Birthday (25/03/45). What we didn't know last year around the time when I was with  her  for her Birthday..that she would pass away in 6 months time. . Last year from the month of June gave the most distressing & stressful time for me & my Mum . Her Cancer diagnosis in June ( Lung cancer ) & her time in hospital & then in a care home & her passing away much sooner then Expected. Yes my mother Would of been 79 yrs old now & she did have other health complications but my father he  had cancer (had  died in 1992, he was 56yrs old )  & now my Mum too.

  My work colleagues were supporting me with the time off I needed but my family was starting to back off ! & let me "go It alone to cope with this" I FRANKLY DON'T KNOW HOW I DID COPE? 

I had an understanding of Palliative care & care given by the Hospice as I have worked in this field & had experience but this insight made things a lot  more difficult for me  as when I disccussed things with family & friends, I was preparing them for my mum's prognosis and her  end of life. As with most family mime had family dymanics complex & Strained.

  I managed & got some Control on the way my Mum was cared for..but I had to fight for it. I have been more mindful of the way that Cancer touches almost EVERYONE in their life at some point!  You only have to hear about it in the news again Recently.   Will we? Do we?  ever recover from the loss of someone from Cancer?   For me.. I feel so Overwhelming Sad that it couldn't of been treated or the person couldn't make a recovery. & I DID see Suffering. I have had two or three recent episods Of what I call PTSD  because I work in a hospital & see something that is a trigger about my mums time in hospital. 

 Does anyone relate to this... I would like to hear your replies. Let's be Kind to ourselves & give ourselves a hug we have been through something awful.   

  • Hello Sunflowers71

    I'm so very sorry to hear of the loss of your Mum just a few short months ago. I hope that her birthday yesterday wasn't too painful for you and that you were able to mark the occasion in some way, maybe by remembering happier times when you could celebrate together. 

    Grief is a natural process but it can be devastating. It's understandable that you're still struggling on this journey particularly as you are facing reminders of your Mum's experiences at work. It can make it so much harder to find a way forward in your grief when you're facing sometimes daily personal reminders. 

    It's good to hear that you've had some support from colleagues and I'm sorry to know that you weren't as supported by your family as you would have hoped. It sounds like it was a very difficult time for you. 

    I'd really encourage you to seek some professional bereavement support if you've not already done so. Having someone to talk to about your experiences and your thoughts and feelings can be a great support in helping you understand and move through your grief. You might find that a charity such as Cruse is able to offer bereavement support that suits you or it could be an organisation like Maggie's where you find that listening ear to help. Perhaps talk with your GP about how you're feeling as well. They will know what support is available in your local area. 

    If you'd like to talk with one of our nurses for some advice and support you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Keep in touch here on the forum Sunflowers71 if it helps to have a safe space to put in to writing how you're feeling. We're here to listen and will do all we can to help. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thankyou for your reply.. I'm trying to motivate myself gradually and accept the loss of my mum as So many people have to go through this & deal with a loss. 

    It probably is a good idea to get in touch for support from maybe Cruise.

    Kind regards

  • My dad died last week from bowel cancer. You are not alone, I’m still struggling myself. Dealing with loss is extremely traumatic and can consume you. I’m trying to stay positive and focus on the happy memories. 

  • Sorry for your loss..which is very recent. Happy memories are good to focus on .